

Ask @wolfp94938

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When there done with you why do they keep trying to string you along

Booty booty booty everywhere!!

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I didn't properly show you love and I regret it

No you have didn’t. I also knew that you had a facade on that I saw right through.

Has anyone ever invalidated your feelings for the wrong reasons?

iloveyou1122556832’s Profile PhotoIAMBABYBLUE_
Yes and it’s not right. Hoping you are able to find someone to just simply listen without judgement. I recommend praying if you participate in it.

What do you call when your ex comes back and sends you a text saying she miss what we use to have and that she loved you the most?

How does that make you feel hearing it? If it was my ex I tell him I learned my lessons and I wish him the best but it’s not with me.

How to make informed decisions better? Someone said I’m not capable of doing that when I am.

Use your intuition and pray on it

Nothing just staying at home

It too bad your not local. I could use some help. Hope you enjoy your day though!


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