

Ask @wolfp94938

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if you like someone, would you prefer the other party to propose or would you prefer it yourself?

My partner

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Have you ever been to Texas. ❔❓❔❔❔❓❔❔❓❔❕❕

Yes just for a layover though 🙄

When all the stalls are full in a public toilet 🚽 and there’s one available but clogged w full of poop, would you still use it cause if gotta go u gotta go?


Could you ever date someone that had the mindset of a child?

Not all the time but yes I would enjoy someone that I could have fun with.

Girls, would you get offended when your date ask you to split the restaurant bill since it’s your first time going out? Or you’d go ballistic cause you just want a free meal?

No that’s awful

What's the seasoning In taco seasoning?

Chili powder, paprika, cumin, garlic, salt…I think that’s it??

At what age did you lose your v? And do you still speak to that person?

14 it’s been a few years but I still talk to his sister.

Ever noticed that some side shows at fairs are bizarre and sometimes creepy?

The workers are creepy too

Ever lend money to a friend and he or she didn’t even bother to pay you back? How much was it and are you still friends?

Yes and of course


Language: English