

Ask @wolfp94938

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If you have a million dollars tax free but u have to spend it in one day, what would you buy?

Idk I don’t like that pressure

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Walk away from or run away from? The chain link fence giving you a barrier of protection from a mid-air flipping motorcycle hurling your direction?

TheBeardedLumper’s Profile PhotoA-a-ron!

The mind is a terrible thing to lose. I believe that men would make better choices depending on the influencer/how they are influenced. # convinced #convicted Does anyone believe in men getting any better as far as being better fathers.. Leaders..

He’s got to be a God fearing man.

So when you work out you act different

Depends who I’m working out with. My besties cheer me up when I’m complaining.

Where should I find a wife for my brother?

Why are you concerned about it? Let him find it so he can experience the magic.


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