

Ask @zernaishtabba

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Have you ever bought anything despite thinking it's way overpriced? What was it?

Slides from Nose. I had been eyeing for 3 months. Didn’t get depreciated so i had to just get my hands on it.

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Can anyone help me by giving some words of wisdom or motivational quotes or anything that could boost my confidence? Thank you in advance ❤

You are who you are. No one’s opinion of you regulates anything in this world.
Mark it. Love yourself and you’re good to go. ?

That feeling when u see ur crush with someone else

I’ve had one crush in my life and i’ve seen him get married so yeah i’m too hardcore to think petty now ?

Why does it feel like I'm the only one having bad acne? Does it make people ugly?

I have it too don’t worry. It doesn’t define ugliness or beauty. It’s yours. OWN IT!


Language: English