
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Not a question, just chiming in to say people seem to have a hard time understanding the B in LGBT more than Lesbian and Gay. A lot of people seem to think if a bi person winds up with same-sex, they're just gay, or if opposite-sex they're straight, like some kind of light switch. Another barrier.

Liked by: Adam Martinez

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What if Miyazaki had ended up being primarily a mangaka? Do you think he would have had the same level of influence? Personally while I think it'd be dreadful to lose his influence on animation, I would have loved to see Miyazaki even more unhinged by the industry.

I think he would have been a towering figure. Nausicaa is one of the greatest manga I've ever read.

So you saying you dont believe in straight and gay? You think people are attracted to other people and sex has less to do with it?

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying, whether you are straight, bi, or gay, these attractions are something you are born with and they aren't about "reason."
Liked by: Adam Martinez Rena

Have you ever submitted a onesheet? Do you think just dropping off a onesheet is easier/more convenient than pitching something face to face to a producer?

Pitching face to face is always better if you can get the meeting.

Why start Hellsing 9 at 12am as opposed to 11:30?

Why not just be happy you're getting Hellsing 9 in the first place? Is 30 minutes that big of a difference?

Mr.demarco once you had your full time job did you ever try to reacquire action figures that you had as a kid or ones you ever never able to get as a kid ?

Nah not really. I collect yodas (have over 90 yoda action figures) and I have a Gaiking Shogun Warrior that was gifted to me by a friend and Bandai, but that's about it.
Liked by: Matthew Claire

What level are you on Advanced Warfare?

Oh I think I'm 30 something? Had to put it down to play Assassin's Creed Rogue and Dragon Age.

What do you usually listen to music with? Ear buds/phones/speakers and what kind?

I have sennheiser in-ear buds for planes etc, and I have a nice pair of bigger headphones for use at home.

Why would a guy who swings both ways go out of his way to chase dudes? I know that sounds bad but I don't mean to offend, it just seems like more trouble than its worth. Referring to that bi anon dude from a few days back.

He likes guys and girls. Therefore, having a crush on a guy is just as valid for him as a crush on a girl. Maybe there isn't a lady at his school he's interested in. Maybe that guy he has a crush on is the only person he's been interested in for a while. Makes perfect sense to me. Sexual attraction is not about convenience, or sometimes even personal choice. You just feel what you feel.

the new ghostface>>>>>>>>>the new wu-tang sadly. he keeps the vibe of good Ghostface music naturally while the Wu-Tang album seems like they were purposely trying to maintain a certain sound

Not super impressed with either one, tbh. Ghost feels like he's coasting, making the same meat and potatoes stuff he's made for a couple of years now (and that's okay, he's earned it). As for the Wu, it kinda feels like they are just lost as a unit.

Thanks man, I wasn't up on Oban. It's kind of out of my budget in life right now, but as with many of the finer things on this great big blue marble I'm gonna see to it that I go ahead and try it, man.

No prob, Oban 14 is also delicious and a good bit cheaper, FYI.

My mom caught me fapping to porn! I was so embarrassed. How do I talk to her?

Ha don't worry about it man, it sucks but the best thing to do is just never speak of it again, ever, and make sure you are in a locked room before whacking off when your parents are home!

Only Yesterday and Ocean Waves are the only two Ghibli features that have never been released in North America. They were released over seas, so importing's an option for folks with region free players. Blu-ray.com had a listening for Only Yesterday, don't know if anything's come of that.



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