
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What did you think of Harley Quinn's design in Suicide Squad?

I"m gonna be honest here. I've always thought Harley was a dumb, pretty gross character, and while various creators have deepened her story over the years, she's fundamentally an abused person the Joker has broken. I don't think she's fun or cute, she's just sad to me. I think all the hubbub about the more "Sexualized" version of Harley in SUICIDE SQUAD is idiotic- she was always a fetishized victim. She's a bad character and so she's a bad character in the movie. She's no worse than she was in BTAS or any comic, just more shallow. At her core, I find her a rotten character. Just my two cents.
Liked by: Sakyo Kuroyami Rich

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I'm 16 and my mom died, dad's now dating a new younger girl who's 24. I think she's a gold digger Don't like her but find her attractive. It's strange. It can get awkward to be alone in the house with her and I miss my mom. Any advice?

Well I'm not sure how old your Dad is, or when your Mom passed (sorry for your loss), so it's hard to say how appropriate the relationship is. I'd just say that it's very natural for your to feel awkward being alone with her in the house, and to resent her. Just try your best to be kind, and let your Dad know you aren't really cool with the situation, and give yourself as much space as you can. I would consider talking about this to other family or friends or a therapist, if you can. Good luck.

What's your thoughts on companies doing cringe-worthy ads that just take classic hits of music and have random people sing it? I know it's been going on for years, but it seems recently that everyone has been doing it to sell their stuff.

I despise the current trend of sad covers of classic songs in promos and trailers. The worst.

Your take on the Watchmen comic book? And juxtaposing it to the movie?

I think the comic is great and was a very necessary corrective at the time it came out. The current vogue is to shit on guys like Alan Moore and Frank Miller, because their work kicked off a shift in comics into the "grim n gritty" era that was mostly tiresome and lasted way too long. Comics fans today are wholeheartedly embracing "light" superheroes and superhero comics, and the MCU's success certainly reflects that. I will always ride for Alan Moore because even his worst work is idiosyncratic and thoughtful. The Watchmen movie was a poor simulacrum for the comic, which probably shouldn't have been crammed into a 3 hour film, and certainly needed a smarter director.

You lived through different formats of music (i.e cassette, cd, record.), so what was the best format?

I think vinyl, when paired with a great stereo system, is the sound I prefer. After that, mp3s for convenience. The objective "best" format, I feel, is CDs. Highest quality sound, enough physical presence to feel like you could hold something, and they weren't too large or unwieldy. Cassettes have always been the absolute worst. They sound like shit and they break easily. The cassette revival is 100% nostalgia, that's it.
Liked by: Steven Oz

You've mentioned that you enjoy anime more now than before, can you elaborate on why that might be?

I have years of experience telling em when I'm seeing something special. A deeper appreciation for how hard it is to make great work, having made some shows myself. I THINK.

Has Adult Swim ever toyed with the idea of doing a streaming platform like Netflix? I personally think that Toonami shows could benefit from something like this. Also, was that kinda where you were going with Toonami Jetstream?

Almost all AS shows are on Hulu, actually.

saw you liked the new Metallica single. Thoughts on their discography as a whole? ever a big fan?

I love albums 1-4, and the Garage Days EP. After that, I can't really stand them. I'm not even a HUGE fan of ...And Justice For All. I think when they lose Cliff, they lost something that hasn't been replaced.

The Adult Swim black and white bumps are pretty hilarious. Who writes them?

Those are created by a talented team of four people who write and edit them, under the direction of Mike Lazzo himself.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

Many people might not want to say it or admit, but I think you made the right choice with the whole 4 weeks behind stream, it gets more people to watch Saturday like my brother :) so I say thank you.

Chris G
That was actually some legal stuff, it was not our preference to do that. We had no choice.
Liked by: Pizza Frank Chris G

Is there going to be another toonami Q and A in the future? Im curious since i have multiple toonami related questions (and i know your ask.fm isnt the place to ask such questions)

Ausername64’s Profile PhotoJesus Chavez
No, you actually CAN ask those here, I might not answer them though. Go for it.

What are some of your favorite sci-fi books?

Dune, I, Robot, Blade Runner, really anything by Philip K Dick, Stanislaw Lem, Iain Banks, William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, Dan Simmons, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, PD James, Ursula K LeGuin, etc etc and many many more.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

How do you think this decade will be remembered in terms of movies?

No idea man. We're just past halfway through, too early to tell, beyond "the era of the Superhero film."
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

Did Grand Theft Auto III blow your balls off in 2001?

Lol uhh I enjoyed it, for sure. My balls were not blown off, they're still attached to me.

Why do some people act like 90s nostalgia is the worst thing ever? How is it any different from when everyone and everything had 80s fever only a handful of years ago?

I'm pretty much over all nostalgia. It's a crazy filter that prevents people from knowing if something is actually worth a shit.

Out of the Japanese Godzilla movies, which ones would be your favorite and least favorite?

Favorite: Gojira, Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla, Godzilla Vs. Biollante.
Least favorite: Godzilla Vs. The Smog Monster, Son of Godzilla.
Liked by: I_AM_HAM IraDokiDoki


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