
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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No offense Jason but do you know that just because someone has a egg account doesn't mean they are a troll right?

It means a) they don't know how to make a profile pic, b) aren't using Twitter enough to care to, or c) are trolls. I'm not interested in any of these three types of users. "no offense." ;)
Liked by: VEE Michael Warming

do you ever have people recommend stuff to you like "knowing you, you'll love this" that you end up hating?

Once in a while, but that's rare.

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Do you have any favorite movie sequels that managed to surpass their predecessor? I feel like these days, it's more important to make sloppy sequels that cash in than attempt to do it better.

EMPIRE STRIKES BACK is one. Some would say ALIENS and TERMINATOR 2, though I wouldn't. TOY STORY 2 is better. HELLBOY 2 was an improvement. There are Bond films that are better than earlier ones, SPIDER-MAN 2 is better than SPIDER-MAN. X-MEN 2 is better than X-MEN. It's not common though!

Just wanted to say thanks for continuing to work on the block. I had a rough year last year and rediscovering Toonami and getting back into these shows has really given me something to be excited about again. Like reawakening a part of myself I lost a long time ago. So thank you all very much!

Thanks very much, I'm always happy to hear we help anyone. That's why I do this job.
Liked by: John

Are there some books that you've tried to read but had to put down then at a different point in life read all the way?

Yeah "Infinite Jest" is one.

Would you agree that the endings of Big O and Space Dandy are similar?

I wouldn't disagree. I mean, both shows end with the email character essentially being responsible for a re-set of their reality. In the case of Big O, Roger convinces Angel to do it, and in Dandy, he himself does it. They also both sort of break the fourth wall and acknowledge the "fiction" of their realities, while rebooting themselves. Love em both!

Will you be watching the Attack On Titan Love Action flicks coming out in a couple weeks in LA?

I'll wait for video.

Will Toonami have new show bumps soon? I don't mean to sound like an ungrateful faithful but we've had the same ones for a while now. And I love me some new bumps :)

We'll have some in the next couple of weeks.
Liked by: John

WHat do you think about the statue of Robert E Lee getting vandalised

Don't really care about any statue of a historical figure being vandalized, tbh.

A standard episode of M&H is 22:38 long. This is with the OP & ED, hell, even the cutaways, mind you. Black Lagoon is only 1 minute longer than M&H is. And you played the Full OP & ED for it every week. Please, explain your reasoning for why you cut M&H's OP/ED for more commercial time.

Commercial time and it's requirements are not constant or standard, anon. Your math has nothing to do with how television works, and it's hilarious to me that rather than be happy someone (anyone!) is airing Michiko & Hatchin, you're focusing on something of such little importance that you've convinced yourself you deserve an "explanation." Take a deep breath.

my DVR is telling me a DBZ marathon on July 4th is happening hopefully its wrong or is it right?

It's right.

I personally think the Avengers 1&2 are a 2 1/2 hour each long troll fest of sarcastic jokes/quotes.

I don't know that I'd call them a "troll fest," more like "fan service w/quips."


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