
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Edge and luckily I got a good grade but the people who got mad tried making me apologize for my speech and I relucted do so. Was I in the right to sticking with my beliefs even if it offended them? Sorry this ask was so long

Hm I dunno man. What you're describing sounds like you may not have thought you were saying things that sounded judgemental, they were. Look, I was straight edge in high school and through much of college, and I can only speak for myself, but I judged people. Harshly. I thought anyone who used or abused drugs or alcohol was weak at best, immoral at worst.
And you know what? I was wrong. Here's the thing about personal beliefs: while you may feel your beliefs help you and make you stronger, you should be careful not to cast yourself as being "better" because of said beliefs, and cast other people as lost, victims, or evil because they don't follow your same path. It takes time to find a balance, but explaining how and why YOU live the way you do is different from explaining how others should live.
Look, you know what works for you, but you do not have all the answers. You don't. Your description sounds pretty judgemental of the other students in your class, and it's likely that they are reacting to, and not your beliefs.
It's easy to be an asshole about straight edge, trust me I was one. Just try not to follow my example. Being moral is good, but so is having an open heart and not thinking you're better than everyone else. Good luck!

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Will you watch the Death of Superman Lives. What Happened doc when it comes out?

No, who cares. Movie looked like it would have ended up a POS anyway.

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Do you look allot different from your High school and college days or do you still look kinda the same?

Ha no man nobody who's in their 40s looks like they did in their 20s unless they are rich and/or famous. I'm heavier, better dressed, and have shorter hair on my head and more on my face.

Who would you say is the best tv couple of all time?

I dunno about "best of all time" but I love Lee Adama and Starbuck from BSG. Star-crossed hopeless love is the best kind in fiction.

Does adult swim need an ass model, cause I have an amazing ass. It looks good in latex, spandex, denim, polyurethane, leather, but especially good naked.

Good for you, that's wonderful. We don't need any ass models. Good luck with the ass.

Who make the money when an album is given away for free?

Dunno what scenario you're talking about. Most artists make their money from touring and music licensing these days...

So with Twin Peaks getting a new season after 25 years, are there any other shows, especially ones that might lack closure, that you'd like to see a new season/mini-series, or even TV movie get made to complete? Let's assume that the original cast and creative staff would all return too.

Can't think of any....

Did you cry listening to 'You're Dead!' for the first time? I certainly teared up at a few points. Thinking of lost ones, etc

No. I'm glad you got so into it though!

I just wanted to say that I sometimes get on your twitter account for a good laugh because of how you respond to all the trolls and dummies. Your picture responses are my favorite. Best to you.

Ha thanks!

Hi Jason. Did you check out the Indie game, "A Wolf Among Us" yet? I heard that the game is really good and it is kind of like a fairy tale-like blend between Scarface and The Three Little Pigs.

I played it, I liked it. Like the Walking Dead games, it's really just a point and click adventure, but it was fun.

Ive come up with ideas for a Tv show a sitcom I want to executive produce how can I make my ideas happen with no money or connections?

Two ways: one, write your pitch and send it anywhere you might want to have yor show live. Two, get it to an agent who may agree to represent you in exchange for a cut of future profits. Good luck.

What made u join a book club?

Well I'm always reading a book, and this club is filled with friends and co-workers, so when I got invited to join I thought "why not?" I wanted to see what we might read that I wouldn't have necessarily checked out, and hear their perspectives on books I HAD read.

I watched "Under the Skin" & was wondering what you liked most about that movie? I enjoyed it but I think without Scarlett Johansson being the perfect fit for the movie I might not have even liked it.

I mean, it's an achievement from just about any perspective. Definitely a great, trenchant commentary on our patriarchal society, but like any good science fiction it works on multiple levels. I loved the photography, the patient, perfect editing, the simple yet incredibly creepy special effects, the eerie score, the non-actors working with Scarlett (who was great and as you said perfect for the role), all of it. First film in many years I can say reminded me of Kubrick. And the ending was utterly bleak in a way I loved. What a terrific film! Glazer is now three for three with very good to great movies. Looking forward to his next one.


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