

Ask @kayla5764

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What animal do you think is the scariest?

I’m not sure but I was deadly afraid of spiders when I was younger still sort of am.

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Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

I have to be really into them I would also have to meet them first just to be safe but other than that sure I just have to know them really well and make sure they are actually who they say they are.

Am I the only one who has 2 crushes at the same time?

No it’s normal to like two people at the same time

What would you like to do with money?

I would keep some to myself and help out my family and then whatever I don’t need I can donate it

Two people that flirt a lot and it's obvious that they like eachother?

Not really because like I flirt a lot with my friends and sometimes I flirt with people even though I don't like them but it could mean that they like you

Post the last screenshot you took?

My friend dared me to get a maid outfit with cat ears and so I ss what I picked out and sent it to her -explanation

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

Well face and if we talk probably their voice for boys and girls but girls I might notice their hair first idk

Do you think someone likes you and if you know for a fact they do , do you like them back????

No clue if anyone likes me


Language: English