
LoOnY EcCeDEnTeSiast ッ

Ask @magicheart

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عندما تستمع لفتوى سخيفة تتدخل في خصوصيات البشر، يجب أن لا نلوم المفتي، بل يجب مراجعة الثقافة التي أنتجت بشر لا يعطسون بدون فتوى .... رأيك ؟

Langrisser’s Profile PhotoKing of Darkness
كلامك صحيح والله المستعان

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ان شالله على طوول يا رب والله مايحرمنا من طلتك الحلوه حياتي ♥

حبيبي ولا يحرمنا من طلتك الحلوة انت كمان ^^ بتنورينا باسئلتك وبوستاتك حبيبتي
Liked by: ʿAly Farag

لا والله بعدني بمتحن دعواتك حبيبتي ♥ وانت شو اخبارك ؟؟

الله يوفقك حبيبتي ويلهمك الإجابات الصحيحة انا بخير الحمد لله
Liked by: ʿAly Farag

دووم يا رب وانا بخير الحمدلله مشتاقين ♥

.? وانا مشتاقة حبيبتي ان شاء الله كل أمورك تمام . وخلصت امتحانات
Liked by: ʿAly Farag

Wa ana kman I can't wait to graduate as well in Canada i'm in High School, supposed to be in 2nd yr university it's a long story why im in highschool -.- I hate the Egyptian Education System

Alyasser93’s Profile PhotoʿAly Farag
Yeah I can understand :) all the best aw Allahywaf2ak , ra7 thoon inshaAllah be patient

Back to your first question about marrying someone I don't love rest of the answer is: " if I have known that person for a while or for a long time and I later on see something in them that attracts me in their personality I would then definitely consider loving them and marrying afterwards"

Alyasser93’s Profile PhotoʿAly Farag
Hmm yeah! This is a very good point and I totally agree with you , why would anyone refuse to marry that person if he/she is good enough and you think he/she is the right person for you , you don't love her/him nor hate him/her so yeah love can come after marriage n become even stronger

First person to like this, like 50 of their answers and second person to like this, like 40 of their answers :)

Okayzz -.-
Liked by: G

i don't ask you to change your profile pic i love your profile pic but really i don't see your face and your eyes ?

What do you want me to do then:/ I don't really care if you can't -.- come off anon first

why you are afraid to post one pic of u ? u already post one ? cann't u post another one ?

Not when somebody idont know asks me to, I will change my pic when my mood tells me to do so, and I've already put another one before -.-

i'm already had glasses but don't see your profile pic ? i will come off anon when i see u surely ?

Use bigger eye glasses @_@

to see u ?

It's already there -.- you need eye glasses maybe to see me? Why don't you come off anon first?

translate wat u say in arab down there. i dun undrstd

It's very long -.- and hard to translate , sorry :S , its for my best friend anyway. Why do u want to know -.-
Liked by: ʿAly Farag

Would u fall in love with someone similar to u or slightly different or absolutely different ? and Why ?

Hesham256’s Profile PhotoH
Hmmm that's a good Q and I feel it's hard to give a clear cut answer at some point, I mean sometimes you fall in love with someone you don't know much about , we should take some significant point of that person into account as well, like he might be a real bad guy but that girl is really pious , still she fell for him for no reasons and that's a big mistake, I would rather go with slightly different in many aspects not just in attitude but also his manners n way of thinking is very important to mr


magicheart’s Profile PhotoLoOnY EcCeDEnTeSiast ッ
إلى صديقتي الغالية أفتقدك كثراّ :(
لم احتاج احدا كما احتجت اليكِـ...فربما لم يكن من نصيبنا البقاء...ولكنني احتاجكِـ من كل قلبي...اريد أن ابكي واقول لكِـ كم انا متعبة بدونكِـ....فكل الاماكن التي اذهبها مغلقة امامي ولا اجد غير الهرب منكِـ ومن ذكرياتكِـ...
عودي الي فأنا لا اقوى العيش بدونكِـ... أعيش فقط وأنا احتضر وروحي تتألم عودي الي فما عدت احتمل ألم فراقكِـ...فكل الوجوه انتِ ، وكل الروائح رائحة عطركِـ...فكيف تريد مني ان انساكي...عودي فقلبي ينتظركِـ يا صاحبة البعد يا حبيبتي


magicheart’s Profile PhotoLoOnY EcCeDEnTeSiast ッ
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : " من كانت عنده مظلمة لأخيه، من عرضه أو من شيء، فليتحلله منه اليوم قبل أن لا يكون دينار ولا درهم؛ إن كان له عمل صالح أخذ منه بقدر مظلمته، وإن لم يكن له حسنات أخذ من سيئات صاحبه فحمل عليه ".
[صحيح البخاري] #Hadith

أنا في أحسن التمام و الكمال يا أختي في الاسلام ^_^ بسم الله ما شاء الله أنا عندي أيضا نفس المخاوف في الحياة و الدنيا

Alyasser93’s Profile PhotoʿAly Farag
مممم دوم ان شاء الله اخي :)
Liked by: Λ Khalid Abdullah

Astaghfirulla you are talking to a na mahram! Are you indian?

OMG! bro O_O , you are non mahram to me!! how dare you ask me a Q ?
Iam Arabindiaturkitalianopakipersialatinolala :) figure it out :p

Hello Sister LoOny :D how are you? What are your fears in your life and on this world?

Alyasser93’s Profile PhotoʿAly Farag
hello Aly ^_^ im ok alhamdulillah, wau?
hmmm I fear dogs so much :S, bugs, high speed, drowning, big spiders, oceans, failure, not achieving my dream, losing someone I love, having any of my family members in a bad health condition la sama7a Allah. Being burnt to death, Im afraid to follow a path that will take me away from Jannat el firdaws, im afraid of what comes after death.


Language: English