
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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do you pay any attention to eurovision at all? i know it's not a big thing in the US, but it is getting more popular outside europe 👀👀


If there's a medium of art you'd like to work on more (traditional pencil and paper, Digital, animation, etc.), what would it be?

Digital. There's a lot you can do with a tablet and photoshop
Liked by: Shade1602

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How do you feel about Ghost Recon wildlands so far?

Haven't played it outside of the beta. Don't have a group of friends to regularly play it with, and I don't enjoy playing games with AI companions.

So after watching theater mode this last week i wondered, did you have to rewatch it so you knew what happened

I really don't care if I remember any of the films I see in Theater Mode

Hi Jeremy, you've probably been asked this loads (sorry!) but do you ever stop and pinch yourself (still)?

Nah, that's kind of passed. I know this is my life now, and I'm really thankful for that. I just have to try and not mess it up

I'm jealous that you're gonna be missing the big storm coming in tomorrow. Did you like all the snow when you lived in Mass?

Nope. Never liked snow.

What's it like to go from being just a person to becoming internet famous and sometimes recognized in public?

It's odd, but at least I know how to act around fans now, because I was one. I know how to make them feel less intimidated about coming up and talking to me.

I really admire how healthy you are. I struggle with it bc I cant eat nuts and I kinda hate fish, on top of being a broke college student. Any ideas for good stuff I can have

Listen I'm currently sitting in an airport eating McDonalds. I am not super healthy. Just try to avoid bread, cheese, and sugar as much as possible in your normal diet. Make sure to eat veggies and fruit. If you hate fish, stick with chicken. It's really good for you and has a bunch of protein.
Liked by: Auraya Frost

will you be going to RTX london? also do you know what the VIP lounge actually is? like do we get to meet people? never been able to go to one cause its the first in the UK so im curious

Henri Wilcock-Fitzsimmons
I don't know. The VIP lounge, if it's anything like the other RTXs, is a small area only VIPs can go, with couches, drinks, and some snacks. The RT employees also hang around in that area every now and again during the show.

What was the funniest thing that happened to you on an airplane, or something you witnessed?

Marley F
I was on the same plane for two flights, so I was just hanging out while the crew cleaned up and prepared for the next round of passengers. During that one of the flight attendants climbed into the overhead bin and the others laughed and took photos. Then the pilot came back, stared at them for a bit, and then climbed into the next overhead bin as well.

1 more, who's part is your favourite in the AH Rap. Absolutely loved watching it at the panel! Forgot to tell you at the signing how good it was

Probably Gavin's part
Liked by: Marley F Mike Shubin

Shout out to lil J. How often do you game on your free time, and what systems do you usually play on if you do?

Joey Hagen
Unless it's a game I'm really excited about, I don't game in my free time. I feel like there's much better things I could be doing with my time

I'm an indie game developer with a game soon to be released, if I wanted you to play it (not on AH or even on stream), is there a way I could contact you?

Tweet at me

Any tips for surviving uni? Because I have this giant exam tomorrow and million other assignments due next week and honestly all I wanna do right now is just curl up and die

Yeah it can feel that way. Just try and space out the stuff you need to do and look at every little thing as a small accomplishment, it will feel like checking something off that massive list.

Hoe do you maintain the 9 vs 1 conversations? Also how did the shirtless 1 2 switch end up at the RTNY in Boston Meetup?

You just let whoever wants to talk, talk. Remain quiet until there's a break and then jump in. It's the same way we make AH videos. And the switch thing was fun. My thighs are still sore from the squats during that milk game.

What was the first piece of video "content" you made? For either AH or the community in general.

Things to Do In Halo: Reach - Made You Look
That was my first community video
Liked by: sean


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