
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Are you going to be doing the pushup thing for this Saturdays long stream? Or maybe a few different bit challenges?

There will be different challenges. Push-ups are hard for a game you cant pause like Dead by Daylight. I'll probably do something for that, push-ups during Papers Please, and some form of drinking during Party Hard

Would you ever consider doing an AH collar with the Sidemen (uk group) in golf with friends or something like that?

Unless RT tells us to do it, probably not. I've never heard of them
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

I'm my opinion, you're definitely the most community-minded person in AH (or at least the main 6). Is that because you used to be part of the community or is there some other reason?

I know what people want to see and do, based on what I used to like when I was a fan. I know they like interacting with people, so I try to do that as often as possible, I know they like seeing certain videos, so I push to record certain things and avoid recording other things. It's partly knowledge from being a fan, and partly just reading comments, being active in the community, and listening to what people say.

Will you have guests on stream ever?

I've thought about it, but haven't gotten around to it yet. One of the things I don't like about having guests is that I find it hard to balance talking to them and talking to the stream. I don't want to sacrifice chat interaction so I don't annoy someone else

What's the dumbest injury/cause for an injury you've had?

When I was 9, I put a beanie baby on the ground and swung at it with a baseball bat like it was a gold club. The beanie baby went straight up, hit the light fixture, which made it fall and shatter on the floor. Some of the glass flew up and hit me in the face. I needed stitches on my upper lip, and still have a scar under my mustache.

I love that your fans can interact with you on this. Thank you for creating a community of Monster Trucks! It's such positive group :) are you happy streaming at home? Or do you feel like there isn't enough time to do everything sometimes?

Lindsay Sproule
I feel both way about it. I love streaming, and I really like that interaction. But sometimes I get home from work on a Wednesday and just would love to not play games or talk for another three hours. It's a fine line. Essentially working two jobs, but at least they're both fun

Do you ever miss working with the people in the support room, or do you still see them enough that not much has changed?

I go into the support room at least once a day to just kind of hang around and see how everything is going. I kind of miss building stuff in Minecraft with the build team, and I miss editing every now and again. I still make videos with everyone else in there, though, so that's good.

What's the worst injury you sustained during gymnastics?

The worst was either when I partially tore my bicep falling off the parallel bars, or when I tore the ligaments in my left hand after my grip locked up on the rings. I also had a lot of smaller ones, like a pinched disk in my back, a minor concussion, a broken ring finger, and I once bit off the tip of my tongue when I fell off the rings.


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