
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Any advice when life seems like shit? I want to pursure art in college, but my parents said they'd kick me out :/

Jenn Tarin
I want to recommend following your dream and moving out. Nothing worse than parents who aren't willing to support what their child wants to do. But this isn't my life, the decision is all yours

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so like, will the other Rap battles be Facebook exclusive? i understand that you said it does better with sharing there but idk i feel like its so out of the way compared to the Roosterteeth site and Youtube.

It wasn't really my decision to make. I gave the go ahead, but I'm more on the mindset of, whatever the marketing team thinks will work, go for it. So I can't accurately answer this question, because I have no idea.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

What is your favorite race in Skyrim and which side in the civil war do you usually play?

I like Argonians a lot. And I honestly have never cared about the civil war aspect in the game. I just do whichever I'm closest to at the time to get the achievement.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

I almost want you guys to just disable comments but I understand why you don't. Have you guys ever thought about it?

It would cause more problems than it would fix. Besides, hidden in the sea of horrible comments is some legitimate criticism, which we can use to get better at what we do, and judge what the fans really what to see.

If you could do a 2 person Lets Watch with any game of your choice, who would you do it with and what game? :)

Bec Xzeriia
I really dont have an answer for this. And I've been trying. I think it's just my extreme dislike of two-person videos on AH that aren't Play Pals. I also cant think of any game I'm dying to do a LW in

Has your hair always been so wild? If not, what do you do to tame it? Asking for scientific purposes...

My hair is beyond control. It is actually extremely curly when I let it grow out.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Do you think you will ever regret dying your hair so much?

Nah. It made me more recognizable and people had fun with it. That was the point all along anyways
Liked by: Joeyiscool621

Now that you've joined Achievement Hunter do you have a new favorite Achievement Hunter since Gavin was your old favorite or does he still carry that torch?

I honestly still really enjoy making videos with Gavin. We play well off of each other. I knew we would ever since one of our first LPs together (which never even came out). It was a Far Cry LP, and we ended up losing the audio. But in it, I got into a small car with Gavin, which he ended up lighting on fire and driving off a cliff. The whole time I was acting like it was really happening to us. Moments like that are the best in LPs and they happen most often with him.


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