
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Bit of a random question: Have you ever traveled to any part of Africa (South Africa specifically)? If yes, what did you think? If no, would you ever want to?

No. Kat and I have a map in our house marked with everywhere we've been and five or so places we really want to go. South Africa is currently marked. Mainly for my fascination with Great White Sharks

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This isnt a question, just more of a thanks. Earlier this year you had a RTed me (it was a screencap of the sad killer stories when DBD crashed) because of it this person followed me. we started talking and are now friends. so i guess thanks for bringing someone near and dear to me into my life. ♡

Glad you made a new friend because of the stream. All I want for my personal community is for them to be friends and all enjoy the same type of content. Good to know that's actually happening

Do you think we'll ever get the Jrole back on AHWU? I know he's super busy but it'd be great. Long time has passed it'd be unexpected.

PinkPortrait’s Profile PhotoPink Portrait (Li)
I can't speak for the man, but I haven't seen Joel in an extremely long time. So I doubt he'll be in AHWU anytime soon
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Just watched an old AHWU and was wondering: just how strong are you that you can easily carry tall ass Trevor on your shoulders? And how the hell did you figure out that you could?

I find carrying people on my shoulders to not be that difficult. I just kind of go for it. Either I'll pick the person up or I'll collapse. Both are funny

Okay, so my dad, sister, and I have watched and rewatched the first few minutes of the Skyrim video where you guys sing along to the theme song. And I HAVE to know, where the heck did the term "rub it in the carpet" come from? Its been bugging all three of us for the longest time XD

There's a lot of youtube videos where people put incorrect subtitles to that song. One of them said 'rub it in the carpet' as the words.

Just realized I didn't specify in an earlier question. I asked what you and Gavin were throwing around in the COD Infinte Warfare video. I meant in real live, not the game. It sounded like Gavin threw something at Geoff and you launched a water bottle cap or something at the end.

Oh. Still no idea. I definitely shot a water bottle cap off a bottle, because I enjoy doing that. I don't remember what Gavin threw at Geoff, but I think it was just another empty water bottle
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Other than the same questions you get asked hundreds of times, do you find this a viable way to keep in touch with the community or do you prefer another platform?

Stuff like answering questions on here, reddit AMAs, the website, and twitter are the only ways I can interact with the fans. Also talking to my chat on twitch. There's no really good "direct" way to contact me, since giving someone that option would mean I give thousands and thousands of people that option, so it suddenly isn't as "direct" anymore.


Language: English