
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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For Razer Krakens, Astro's, and Turtle Beaches, how would you rank them as your favorite headphones?

Honestly, exactly as you've listed them. I think the other AH guys prefer Astros, but I really like the Krakens.

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Hey Jeremy, I'm a beginning Youtuber who has not had much experience with editing videos. Any hints or advice you can offer? Love all of your work, it's awesome so keep up the great work <3

Watch tutorials online and edit a lot of videos. You'll get better with practice, and eventually seeing what makes a good edit will be second nature to you.

Hey, so most of the other people in RT have said whether or not they're comfortable with the shipping/fanfic that goes on in the fandom, but I don't think you have? I don't wanna be disrespectful, so what are you comfortable with and what should we avoid at all costs?

Yeah, make me a top in all male-on-male ships. That is all. But seriously, they're fanfics. I don't care what people want to write. That's their area to do whatever they want. So no, there's nothing you could write that I would see and find disrespectful. Unless you make me like... a huge racist or something. That's bad.

What are your best tips for getting a job at AH/RT (it's my freaking dream)? I have a YouTube channel, but never enough time to create... help?

Kyler Loya
Get your name out there, without being annoying. Get involved on the site and the subreddit. Comment on people's stuff, go to the forums, talk to the staff, post anything you create. Just don't be too aggressive with it, and most of all, be proud of your work, but not cocky. That's a major turn-off when we're looking at people. You need to be humble.

If you could make a video game of your design with unlimited creative control with an endless budget, what would it be like?

I would like to make an open world superhero game, like the Arkham games, but with multiple heroes. You can switch out who you play as, but each character has their own story missions that you need to complete before beating the game. First I gotta make the show, then we can think about the game. :D

I imagine it's a little tougher now with the wedding coming up and the added responsibilities at work, but when you do/had free time what was your favorite hobby to unwind with?

Robin McKenna
I've started taking walks. Really clears your head and gives you time to think of cool new things to write or make. I also enjoy writing new music when I'm in the right mood.

Hey Lil' J, I was just rewatching the Flip this House Minecraft episodes and I was wondering if you ever sat down to watch them after you 'moved in' and what you thought of all their squabbles to make it perfect. (Ryan's protective attitude over the garden still gets to me XD)

Those are actually some of the episodes I haven't seen. I probably should so I know the proper history of my house

Do you play any mobile games/time synchs if so what ones? Also I might be able to be at my first RTX I can't wait to say hello.

Rick O'Connor
Right now I play Word Bubbles constantly. I really like word games like that. Gives your brain a little workout
Liked by: Tukson Rick O'Connor

If this is something you don't want to answer, just don't, but do you think there is any resentment, from the Stream Team, because you were the one who got to recomplete the 6?

Not that I know of. Of course it's impossible to know if anything is said behind my back, but I try really hard to talk to all the AHers in the other room every day. I haven't stopped editing, or working with them. I'm still good friends with Trevor, and we've talked several times about the best way to bring the Stream Team back.

What's your writing process when you write your raps?

Cino Mari
Once I have the subject and a general idea of the structure, I start writing down the key points I want to hit in the song. Like in the Gus VS Ryan rap, I wanted to make sure I mentioned things like Edgar, the flying goat, and the whole cheese-master thing. Then I start writing rhyming couplets and pairing them with each other it whatever flows the best. I make sure the verses end on a heavy note (or burn) and focus on joining couplets together by switching up the beat, or rhyming four times within the couplet. After that it's just fine tuning

I know it's early to be asking this since Sometimes only came out a couple weeks ago but do you have any other songs for 1551 planned to be released soon(ish)? -Sincerely, Someone who needs a different song to buy and then play on repeat for a week

Yes. I'm currently working on a new song called "Break The Mold" which is still in the writing process. Gonna solidify the lyrics and the main riffs tonight. My plan is to release 3 or 4 singles, then hold off for a little while and release an album. I also would like the album to include a tribute song to Linkin Park called "The Theory Behind It." We'll see if it all pans out.

Don't worry about being Ray, Jeremy. You're you, don't be someone else. A lot of the fans love you, there's always going to be people who complain. You're doing a great job! Don't ever stop being you, LIL J, ok? :) What can we look forward to seeing from you in the future?

I honestly don't know exactly what you can expect to see in the future. Some things that are for certain are the Epic Rap Battles of Roosterteeth. Unfortunately, being part of an actual company now, it's not enough to just slap them together with video clips and put them out like I used to. It's a big production now, so that's why they're taking so long. Also I'm writing new stuff with 1551 which should be coming soon, and hopefully collabing with other youtubers on Dooley Noted soon as well.

For on the spot do you. Choose your partner?

Not usually. But Jon sent me a message before the most recent episode asking who I wanted to be with. I listed like 8 or 9 people. I wasn't lying when I said I asked for Trevor the next day, but it was because it just slipped my mind on the first run. Glad Jon went with him. Though I'm a little sad I havent been on with Adam E yet.


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