

Ask @Alkupra

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Are girls that much different from guys in terms of being just friends? Kak Alex disini buat nyari yang lebih dari teman cowok sih soalnya 👬

Ihhh enggak kok.... Yaa gue suka sih ngeliat beberapa profile di sini, but honestly umur mereka di bawah gue semua and I'm not really into younger guys let alone yang masih kuliah/belom kerja. So I'm not here to looking for potential partner or anything, really. I'll go to Tinder for that matter.

Hallo kak Alex. Aku mau tny seputar magang dong, jadi aku mhs smstr 6 mau ke 7 dan ingin melamar magang di nylon, syarat selain cv&porto apa ya? Dan aku mau tny apa hrs ksh transkirp nilai? Aku baru mau uas tp ingin lgsg ngelamar magang biar nanti pas msk semester 7 ga cari2 lg. gmn ya kak? thnks😊

Ghina Fairuz Septianty
Selain CV dan Portfolio bisa sertakan surat pengantar keterangan magang dari kampus. Transkrip nilai sih gak perlu. Oh ya internship baru buka lagi di September. Untuk sekarang masih penuh kuotanya.

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Ya Allah ya Rabb kak kok lu ganteng banget si gakuat ah lagi puasa :(((( klo tau gini gw lahir jadi cowo biar bisa ngedate sama luuu

Sumpah lebay ah... Aslinya gak sebagus di foto I swear. You won't miss out anything, really, haha.
Liked by: Desti Wulan Ica giò

i have a problem w myself. i'm easily give advice for others and always works, but if something happen with me it's really hard to face it. now i'm approaching the point of stress. why and what should i do. thx alex

You must be a Libra :)

Let's say you're a rising international public figure, would you hire a publicist to manage your image on the media?

Absolutely. I'll even hire people to bring my handbags and shit.

Tadi aku kayak liat kak alex di depan alfamart lagi beli takjil #serius

Sumpah kemaren gue gak keluar rumah seharian nonton Orange Is The New Black Season 3.
Lagian Alfamart mana coba??? There's like gazillion of them.

Kak kalo koleksi gundam gitu boleh gak? Ehehe

Boleh kok. Yang gak boleh itu koleksi gendam karena musyrik.

20 deh.

Craziest Thing Done.
Gue sebetulnya bukan tipe orang-orang nekad yang adrenaline junkie whatsoever... I don't really like extreme things... Dan hidupnya cenderung lurus-lurus aja sebetulnya. I dunno... Taking LSD perhaps? Lol.
Liked by: Lulu giò

Hi Kak, kebetulan aku koleksi album2 kpop dan beberapa merch kpop. Berminat untuk dimuat di NYLON Asian issue. Gimana caranya? thank you :)

Kalau berminat please drop your blog/Instagram yg nunjukkin koleksi kamu ke aku.... Gak boleh anon. Nanti aku liat2 dulu dan pilih.
Thank you!!


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