@Arnie1313#23 🇦🇺

District Zombie

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i’m in a happy relationship but i feel like i want to be a bit more independent. it would be very random for me to mention a break up as we love each other so much. not to mention, my entire family loves this person. idk what to do or how to feel, pls help!

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Independence is a human need. Your partner fell in love with you as an independant person - so they should respect you and support you as who you are and who you want to be.
When you say independence - i'm going to assume you want to make more decisions and/or have some alone time to recharge/ self-explore.
You should start by exploring your feelings - why you desire more independence and what makes you feel guilty wanting it. Then let your partner know your thoughts and feelings while reassuring them that you still love them and want them to be part of your life/ journey of self-growth.
Sounds like you need to have a conversation with your partner and tell them what you want, this doesn’t mean you have to break up, but it should be considered if you’re not happy.
What does independence look like to you? Does it mean not being in a relationship? I think there can be elements of independence in a relationship. If you know what you really want, talk to your partner about how to achieve that together. But also, it’s okay to end a relationship with someone you love if it’s not working. Sometimes love isn’t enough. And your entire family loving someone is also not a reason to stay with someone if it’s not working for you.
Oh thats easy this has gotta be a chick asking this. Its hypergamy 101. It's the realisation of a rip off in genetics (check Neoteny on wiki as an example) and wasting youth on that beta provider male that falls in either the orbiter or gymcel category. It's not a natural situation. Its a social condition situation. The beta male forces dependency, creates social tentacles and everything possible to ensure a compliance direction which actually is an age out isolation tactic as well as a "neg" getting the girl to feel like thats the best they can do by applying difficult behaviours and negative reinforcements etc. Not really commitment. Their goal is to keep them feeling uncomfortable when it suits them and trickle validation rewards later to keep the chick hooked and then they just camp out and wait for the chick to "hit the wall" or age out of attention with competing males while they'll try and do things with other girls if they can in the meantime. If they can't, they've got their fall back. Watch how difficult they and dangerous they can be if they don't the physical fun because thats the real future and the main cause of domestic violence once somethings locked in. They are physical transactional based goals and intentions. They're always going to involve circles, like friends and family to use as pressure. The black pill information is liberating because it puts them in their place, but the betas (or leftover men) love to operate on red pill information. Girls should learn this stuff from an early age. The alternate problem is a lot girls go on the c*ck carousel which means doing bunches of other guys and working their way up in circles but it has the same problem in the end with the "where are all the good men" paradox. The men they want to setttle with put them only in a dating catergory and refuse to consider them for marriage category later. This is why the 80/20 now 90/10 rule or pareto principle exists in the dating market.

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