@Bearhead01#1 🇦🇺

Gilbert Thomas

🇬🇧: Is there anything you want to create more awareness about? If yes, what do you want people to be more aware of? / 🇳🇱: Is er iets waar je meer bewustzijn over wil creëren? Zo ja, waar wil je dat mensen bewuster over zijn?

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (Only Dutch And English)
My pet hate is rubbish in the bush or on the roadside, I just think people need to consider they are leaving our land for the next generation and the one after that, do they really want their grandchildren picking up after them? 🇦🇺 🇳🇱
Mijn huisdierenhaat is rotzooi in de bush of langs de weg, ik denk gewoon dat mensen moeten bedenken dat ze ons land verlaten voor de volgende generatie en de volgende generatie, willen ze echt dat hun kleinkinderen achter hen aan komen?
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Latest answers from Gilbert Thomas

What are some ideas of starting a online business what can I sell and how do I get sales ? Any ideas ?

With a bit of investigation you can find fishing gear, lures etc at wholesale prices from China and still sell them at lower retail prices than sports stores, most of it you don’t need to stock, it will be sent directly to the customers.
I guess the same is true for lots of stuff but fishing gear moves fast 💨😂

Aisle or window seat?

Don’t mind although on some planes the aisle lets my long legs have more room 🤷🏻‍♂️

What does your diet typically consist of? Do you consider yourself healthy?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMaryCeleste
Typically it’s muesli and yoghurt for breakfast, sandwiches or salads for lunch and whatever meat with veggies for dinner. I always eat bananas for snacks during the week and caramel chocolates on weekends 😋
I don’t really consider how healthy it is but I do try to burn more calories than I take in 😊

Do you cry easily or does it take a lot to make you sob?

I’m a Collingwood supporter, of course I do 😭😭😭

Language: English