

How many different languages can you speak?

"whazzzzupppppppp ya mean? ahh maaa gaaaad ya get meh?!" xD (my language when talking to friends)
"hello, i'm Caitlin. Thank you!" (me being kind voice)
"ew, yeah i love you too you idiot" (taking to people i love)
"j'adore bla bla" french or something
oh...and english :)
Liked by: Thomas Mcnicol
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Latest answers from Kyran

Have you ever had an imaginary friend?

My imaginations pretty impressive but unfortunately not enough for imaginary friends which is a shame when I'm lonely af

Do you trust your friends? Do you know your friends? Do you feel better when you are around them?

Don't have friends anymore...anxiety 👍 💩

Hey 😊 how’s your week going?

not going to lie, it's going crapp. Like what the heck happened to this year. It''s almost fucking Christmas and I'm not okay with it 😒 🤨

Why do people on here feel the need to send me horrible hate just because I’m trans?

trans guys often look better, they're just jealous. When I use to get 100000 questions on my gender I use to just say I was a toaster or something

Language: English