

Ask @Cakeist

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Have you ever lied about your age?

Not really, but I could pull it off if needed.
I look way younger without my beard and way older when I let it grow. All I can say, is that it helps with the cold. So I don't mind it.
Plus, some smallhorns like to play with it. I find their reactions to it very funny and adorable.
I usually shave when I come back from a supply trip or when I arrive to the city. I also cut my hair... I don't want to get a himecut, so I don't ask for help from the haremhorns. I may cut it with a knife if needed.
Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

Have you witnessed any paranormal acitvities?

Well, the cookies and other snacks that I leave unattended tend to disappear out of nowhere, but I can assure you that no nothing paranormal if you take into account where I am.

What was the last thing you got for free?

A bag of mixed seeds.
All I know is that it has some winter melon seeds inside, the rest is a mystery.
I have no idea what to do with them... eat them or plant them... or a bit of both.
Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

How did you meet your best friend?

Like the start of many adventures, it all started on a tavern.
It was late, I was tired, but more than anything, I was hungry. The usual meeting time was around lunch the next day, so I stopped by a tavern to get something to eat.
When I entered there were very few faces around, some drinking, some eating, some doing both… it had a very calm ambience so I decided to stay and order something quick and simple.
This was my first mistake.
I sat at the counter and asked about the menu… while I was deciding, someone sat right next to me and ordered a few drinks. It started to reeked of alcohol a little, but it was a tavern after all, so I ignored it.
Second mistake.
Minutes later, before my food came out of the kitchen, a crazy person stood on the counter and started asking for “a body” at the top of its lungs, and as you would expect, it was the same person that sat right next to me…
“Why me?” I thought to myself. I already ordered, so I decided to stay anyway.
That was my third mistake.
Luckily, I wear clothes with hoods most of the time so I was able to discretely look around behind me without making it too apparent. Nobody reacted at all for some reason. Was it a common occurrence? I will never know.
I just didn’t want the crazy person to notice my presence… but I guess that being the only person wearing a black hooded “trench coat” inside the tavern made me stick out like a sore thumb well enough to make it all in vain (I don’t remember well what was I wearing, but it had a black hood, okay?).
Soon enough, the crazy started talking to me… “Hey, you… the suspicious… whatever you are.”
“Just ignore it and it will go away.” I thought to myself over and over again. Moments later the food came out of the kitchen. Oh, boy. I was starving.
Sadly, before the food could reach me, the crazy grabbed my clothes and started to drag me out of the tavern…
“No! My food!” I tried to fight back, but I was too hungry to do anything.
I watched my food be delivered to my empty seat and the waiter just looked at me like it was saying “Rest in peace”.
... well, that was way longer than I expected. I even skipped a lot of details.

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Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

Do you remember your dreams?

Not very often, but when I have a feeling of suffocation or pressure when I am dreaming I know that I will wake up with a swarm of smallhorns above me.
Exept that one time when a smallhornmother wanted to make her nest on my hammock and didn't notice that I was already sleeping there.
In any case, it lets me have a lucid dream whenever it happens, because I am aware that I am dreaming.
Also, when I have the feeling that I am falling, is because I actually fell, most of the time at least. The reasons may vary.
Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

What made you happy today?

All I can say is that I am starting to differentiate the himehorns that I meet more often... some have really obvious characteristics others, not so much.
Some hornmothers have decorations on their nests and / or themselves, or speak in a very particular way.
Some haremhorns make very distinctive expressions when they work or walk/move different than the others (there is one that always makes a sour face).
Musclehorns make different noises and same as the haremhorns, they tend to move different. One of the guards of my room always turns her head to a side when I talk to her and the other crosses her arms... plus, some may have scars or different marks.
So far, the smallhorns are the most difficult... hence the bandanas, but since they always do the same stuff I can tell them apart even when they don't have them. The rest, you can only tell for the way they act most of the time... but I have noticed that some of them have different smells. At least the ones that tend to get closer to my face.

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Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

What is your favorite tea?

Green tea, I guess? ... but I have been drinking winter melon tea lately for some reason. I found the recipe on one of my pockets after I came back from a trip.
Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

Who was the last person you said thank you to?

To a shy smallharemhorn that gave me a spoon that had fallen from the table... then she ran away and hid behind a bigger haremhorn.
Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

If you could draw happiness, what would it look like?

Like a smallhorn shaped hole in one of my cakes.
Had I not stopped her every single one of my cakes would have ended like that.
Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim

Do you get enough sleep?

It depends on the amount of smallhorns that sneak into my room and climb my hammock. Sometimes they are not so sneaky and make me fall head first to the ground. Luckily, I am always prepared and I leave most of my clothes below me when I go to sleep... nowadays I leave the step ladder near so I can avoid the problem.
The little ones like to surprise me like that because they know that I will share my breakfast or give them a snack... but don't tell them, please. I will get swarmed, again.
Liked by: Evil Steve Dan Kim


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