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Ask @Carmen4333

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Do you miss something ?

I miss someone, but it doesn’t matter. I crossed a boundary and I hate that I did. So, I’m stepping back

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Hey you! Yes you! I love you. You're amazing.

Thank you. But you don’t know me. How could you say you love me?

would u order Chinese delivery tonight if u had the choice?? sounds delicious :/

grandmasterqtip’s Profile Photoakunik
I don’t normally eat Chinese food much, but yes that sounds amazing. I’d probably do it to honor my Mamaw as well. She loved Chinese food

Are Tank Tops douchey? It's hot where I live and I really want to wear them... but people react poorly when I say I want to wear them ...

No. You want to stay cool. That’s is more than okay

u should believe people when they say they love u but that doesn’t mean u have to be in their lives if u don’t want ?

grandmasterqtip’s Profile Photoakunik
I want to believe them. It’s just me telling myself that I’m not really worth of love. It’s a habit of mine that’s hard to break

Do you listen to Spotify ?

Yeah. I only ever use Spotify. Unless I’m on YouTube to find new things

If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self?

I’ve answered this before, but I think I will again. It’s OKAY to hurt right now, it’s okay to love with all your heart. You will over come this. Stay strong and don’t lose yourself. Sadly, I have lost myself. I am on the journey to find her again


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