
Grace (21 days)

Ask @Carmen4333

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send me your favorite picture of the sunset, sunrise, mountains, snow, rain etc... the most calming picture I will send u 10k coins

grandmasterqtip’s Profile Photoakunik
send me your favorite picture of the sunset sunrise mountains snow rain etc the

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Do you like sprite ?

Yeah. Sprite is good. I mainly drink it if I’m feeling sick to my stomach though

Do you like finding things? Would you keep it as yours or try to find the owner?

I try to find the owner

How are you when you get up ?

Well, when I’m with people I know, you’ll notice that I’m a talker yes? Im actually very quiet when I wake up. And I usually stay that way until I’m fully awake

Would you watch the movie "Shark Jaws" in a summer cinema, and while you were in the sea on a mattress?

Oh yeah. That sounds amazing and like an experience!

have you started swimming in the sea?

No. I have not. I’m not even a great swimmer so I would have to learn before I tried that 😅


Language: English