
Grace (21 days)

Ask @Carmen4333

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Was there something in your childhood your parents lied you about and you knew they were lying?

Idk about mom but I can think of a lot of things my dad lied to me about 😒

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If you could bring any anime character to life, who would it be?

Aye this is such a hard question, but I gotta go with Naruto. He would be fun to have around and duh ramen dates. Need I say more? 💁 or maybe Kakashi because Kakashi is babe. Kurenai maybe. See what I mean? Hard for me to choose.

What do you think of that guy on insta cosplaying kakashi?

-plugs nosebleed- Suki makes a great Kakashi. 👀 i got a little peekaboo of arse the other day for vday.

Who do you miss the most?

-avoids question- even if I answered it wouldn't make a difference. Not like he would come back.

What happened between you and Will?

He broke up with me 💁 and I'm doing my best to fight for us but if he won't respond what am i to do?

I really like your story and can't wait for the next chapter! Can you tell us a bit more about Midori?

Oh thank you thank you 😄 Sure! Midori is easily annoyed but she is also loyal and caring. She loves Kakashi's cooking and cake. She also has a passion for dancing in which she uses in her training so that her moves will be more effective. As you can tell she gets a bit overwhelmed by Guy's emotions. That's all I can really say without revealing anything more in the story! Please stay tuned it lovelies 🎶👋

Why are you in love with anime characters?That's really weird.

I wasn't talking about the anime characters and even if I was. Would it be any of your business?


Carmen4333’s Profile PhotoGrace (21 days)
I just wanna hug him and hold and love in him after everything he's been through 😭😭😭 but I'm also proud of him because though life got hard he never gave up. He kept going,learning from his mistakes. This is a true man. 😭😭😭 my baby
I just wanna hug him and hold and love in him after everything hes been through

When was the last time you were in love?

When was the- I'm still in love.. Even if he doesn't want me anymore 😥 it's not use lying to myself


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