
Grace (20 days)

Ask @Carmen4333

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If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

purple because why not?

It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

I'm grateful for the friends I have all over the world and the food that's transported and made from different places. I'm also grateful for the beautiful scenery. God's creations are truly breath taking

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What movie can you quote word for word?

Harry Potter. I've had to of watchdx the movies at least 100 times...maybe more..

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

My boyfriend. Cause he's a cute dork cx, my best friend and he always knows how to brighten my mood even on the worst of days

Would you rather wear a snow suit in the desert or be naked in Antarctica?

Snowsuit in the desert. I'd rather NOT get hypothermia

Today is Women's Equality Day! Who do you think is the greatest woman in history?

Why must I choose just one? That's very frustrating I have too many to choose from

What's your opinion on what Liam said?

I don't like getting into drama. I'm not in the fandom anymore, but I do listen to their music still and still follow a few accounts on Twitter, Tumblr, and Insta. Honestly? Liam made a mistake. PEOPLE make mistakes. People need to learn to let it go. I don't see anyone going off on Harry for making fun of some fans names because they were different and long. They all make mistakes. That's what makes them human. So, just forgive, forget and move on. No use in getting aggrivated over it.

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

Jasmine. Random things cx

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

My boyfriend♥


Language: English