
Grace (20 days)

Ask @Carmen4333

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Anyone you would like to give a shout-out to? (Doesn't have to be someone on this app)

The love of my life.. I love you. You don’t have to believe me on that. I don’t expect you to. I just wanted you to know that I do. That’s all of my truth

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Laying it out on the table still…

Carmen4333’s Profile PhotoGrace (20 days)
It was years ago after you had come back… I was scared that you were going to leave again. I had forgotten about it up until now, and it should have never have happened. Instead of telling you straight up, I ended up panicking and taking it out on you which was very immature of me. I am so sorry. I am in love with you and I have been, but with all of this fear and doubt in my mind, I shouldn’t be anywhere near you or anyone. I broke your trust and I will forever be remorseful over it. I’m not ready for a relationship yet it seems. I still have so much growing to do. Just please remember this, I will be supporting and cheering you on the whole time. I am so proud of how far you’ve made it as a person. I am not deserving of your love. So, this is me letting go… I want you to be happy

Say something I am giving up on you ..

Yes. I am feeling guilty and remorseful. If you want nothing to do with me.. I understand. I deserve that. Just know that I am truly sorry and if I could back and fix it, I would. But all I can do is learn and grow from it

Do you care about others opinion ?

It depends on what their opinion is. I try not, but sometimes I do

Do you have a great memory ?

No. I tend to suffer from memory loss. So, if someone tells me I did something and I don’t remember it, I’ll believe them. I might lash out for a second without meaning to, but I’ll come to terms with it. I’m trying my best to be honest. Just bear with me

When was the last time that you did something that you really love and was really happy inside your heart ?

I don’t even remember

Are you alright ?

Yeah. I’m just cleaning and watching turtle videos lol. I decided I want to be a marine biologist


Language: English