

Ask @JessicaIsWright

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In my opinion, he's perfect
1) He's good looking (I wouldn't lie)
2) He's one of the funniest people I know (hilarious)
3) He's one of the smartest people I talk to(idek what moderately means so my point is proven)
4) He belongs with Michael McIntyre (he could be a comedian)
5) He has depression and stays strong through everything (so brave)
6) He is perfect and I wouldn't let someone call him ugly (if you call him ugly I will literally shoot you)
7) He's so nice
8) He's special
9) He would rather play pokemon/zelda etc than football or CoD ( doesn't mid being different)
10) He likes rustling Jimmies


i am going to start this new thing
about 11:00pm-ish
i will answer a question saying 'spam' or something
and il give it half an hour and within the people that like the answer,
i will pick 1/2/3 to spam with likes
doing this because i feel like i don't like many answers apart from rhys' tbh

Roses r red, violets r blu, I'm using mi hand, but i'm thinking of u - sent 2 the famus 25 (Joel told me it ages ago, ly joel)

u r so romantic huni
luv u

U wot m8

it deleted the picture because there is a penis on it,
i wouldn't really call it a penis though,
more of a cocktail sausage
Liked by: Melissa


Language: English