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Ask.fm is for asking questions, such as, What is your favorite colour?, or, What kind of music do you like?. But the whole concept of it has changed, you now see sex obsessed prostitutes posting topless pictures, guys posting pictures of their cock, and people getting judged, for what's happening in their family, or sexualtiy, looks, race, anything.
I'm not jealous of, well known ask.fm people, because the majority of the time, they deserve the likes. I'm not that funny, i'm ugly, and fat, and that's why i don't have likes, but i don't care, my ask.fm page is for talking to friends, asking people questions and getting to know people,
@Jackberryhere96 get's a lot of hate, I don't really know what's happening, but somethings happening in his personal life, away from the computer, and he's getting hate for it. That's pathetic. People that are jealous of Jack's popularity are ganging up on him and getting what back in return? nothing. Can't people get the hint that Jack's upset? It's pathetic and you get nothing out of it. About 99.9% of the hate he gets is anonymous, doesn't that tell you something? They obviously have low self confidence, and pick on people they want to be like, they stay on anonymous so that Jack won't judge them, because they know that they arn't perfect, no one is, but you don't have the right to call Jack all of them names, and tell him to die and shit, He's hilarious, lovely, sweet and down to earth, there is no reason to hate on him, so u r all tw4ts ok,
@oooverdose (rhys), Ok, this guy is just wow. He's the most lovely guy you can meet ok, he's so genuine, and it's easy to talk to him, I haven't known him that long but I already feel like if i have any problems, I can tell him, that's how lovely he is, he understands, and listens to you. Yet he gets hate? I'm not going into detail about it, but he has been through a lot, and every time he gets hate, he tries to delete it/block it, but it piles up. Some of the things that people say to him are horrible, and if anyone ever said that to me, it wouldn't take long to tip me over the edge, put he's stronger then I am, and that's why I respect him. People just don't get the hint, they don't know when to stop, it's cyber bullying, something very serious which people don't even realize they're doing now-a-days. Rhys is perfect, and if the people that are giving him hate, actually listened to him, and understood him, they would think the same. He hasn't ever said anything mean to anyone, or done anything silly, it's only because of the likes(ily rhys)
Before you decide to send someone hate, think about the impact it could have on them, you don't know if they are being bullied in their personal life, or going through a rough time, so you don't know what could tip them over the edge. Just because they have likes, doesn't mean they're better then you, so don't hate him. This is an social website, don't take it so seriously. R4NT OVA.

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