

Ask @JessicaIsWright

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Going to be cool and do what everyone else is doing so, honest opinion of me? HONEST. to most I follow. When i get back from my bath I will be expecting blowjob offers xx

this is like a whole 4 weeks ago bruva
o well
you're f a b
but you never lyk mi answers anymore i fink i mite cri
but apart from that, you're lovely and ily x x x

http://ask.fm/JessicaIsWright why do you try to be like that? You try to be all 'popular acting' and cool but you're not. You look 13/14. You're probs still a virgin and having the name ' in other word let's have anal' is stupid. Your parents would be disapointed though.

Yes, I am a virgin thank you.
The names a joke, it's not like I am literally asking people for anal is it? It's a joke. Wish you can't handle
My parents are proud of me, TYVM
I'm not cool?
bitch pls i'm f a b

are you a lesbian/bi? you always seem to talk to lezie's/ bi's about there sexuaitly, and standing up for them ;/

No, i'm straight.
Just because I stand up for them doesn't mean i'm lesbian, or bi, all it means is that I can't stand homophobic people, they make me physically sick. I wish lesbians and bisexuals can just be classed as 'normal' like straight people. Tbh, 'normal' doesn't even exist, everyone is different, from the length of their hair, to their sexuality.
I hate how, if people see a straight couple holding hands in public, it's, aw, that's cute:)
if two men are holding hands in public, people stare, and talk behind their backs.
and if it's 2 women, it's the same as that^
it's horrible.
i actually look up to lesbians, bi's and homosexuals, i find them so brave, putting up with all the judgement, not caring what people think, and coming out to their family, it must be hard for them, love is love at the end of the day.

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