

Ask @JessicaIsWright

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@SwagMaximus, @Risdonator, @AlexTrott. : Snog one, Marry one, Avoid one

some girl just sent me a message saying
how im her brothers girlfriend
and how horrible i was for cheating on him
how im fucked up in the head
its funny because the last time i had a relationship was when crocs where fashionable
in other words forever ago lol
fading out slowly

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i need more entertainment on my news feed
like this and i'll follow a couple
if you're hot, 99% chance i already follow you lol
if i follow you,
i'll leave a question saying i have
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you
like this if you want me to follow you


Like and I'll do
[] Quickie.
[] Tongue.
[] Softly bite your lip.
[] We wouldn`t.
[] Long and meaningful.
[] jokes Let`s hit up the bedroom.
[] You remember last time?
[] Awkward...
Would I go out with you?
[] Yes, definitely.
[] No.
[] I want to, but it wouldn`t work.
[] Maybe ;3
[] Nar you`re like family.
[] You`re cute, but probably not.
[] Just simply not my type.
[] If I knew you better.
[] Already did.
[] I don`t know.
If we took a picture together, we`d be...
[] Hugging each other.
[] Just chilling.
[] Holding hands.
[] Kissing.
[] Acting dumb.
[] Normal picture.
[] You holding me from behind.
You are...
[] Cute
[] Pretty
[] Good looking
[] Beautiful
[] Gorgeous
[] Alright
You + me + room = ...
[] Not bothered
[] Movies.
[] Cuddling.
[] Hanging out.
[] Kissing.
[] Playing games.
[] Everything.
[] Wouldn`t let you in.
You should...
[] Upto you
[] Hit me up.
[] Be mine.
[] ask this so I can like
If we got married, I`d...
[] Divorce you.
[] Make kids.
[] Take your money and bounce.
[] Smash you every day.
[] I would cheat on you.
[] Be faithful
[] I dunno

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My family is like a soap opera sometimes : If you had to pick 1 moment in your life when your family reminded u of a soap opera, tell me; What exactly happened & how would the episode end? (Think Eastenders or Home and Away) The person who gives me the most *original* answer will get a gift ;) xxx

my mum farted once and it made my dog jump
duff duff duff du du duff doo doo doo doo doo doo doooo do do do do do, du do do do do dooo dooooooo.


This is random ok
But like
Why is like, everyone turning bi now a days
13 year olds are bi, that havent even has a girlfriend yet
But yeah,
Seems to be the trend now,
Along with self harming,
Like, its like almost everyone is bi, or telling everyone that they self harm
Dont get me wrong,
I do think self harm is bad,
But when they tell everyone, post pictures of their scars, etc... It just sounds like theyre attention seeking..
There was no point to this question, but im bored, and me and georgia were talking about it,
So i thought i would express my feelings to everyone on ask :)
Ok, bye now.

Life story?

why do you even care? hahaha
but anyways, here goes..
Basically, when i was about 8, my dad was diagnosed with cancer, leukaemia. obviously, i was only young, so I didn't understand what was happening.. all I was told is that my daddy was in the house for poorly people and he was having a sleepover with the doctors. it sounds stupid now, but at the age of 8 we believe anything tbh.. anyways, my dad stayed in hospital for almost a year, fighting what i thought was just a cold, or cough, but was something much worse, something that was slowly killing him inside. years went by and he still hadn't hot better, at this point I was around 10.. I now understood most of what was happening, I knew that he had cancer, called leukaemia, and I knew it was bad, that's all, every single night, me and my mum and sisters would sit downstairs, thinking about my dad in that cold hospital bed, all on his own... we cried, a lot. it wasn't the same, I was constantly thinking about him, even while I was at school. I would come home from school, get changed, go downstairs and just sit holding into my mum while we cry together. everytime we went to visit my dad, he used to cry too, i used to sit there holding too him, lying on the hospital bed, while he smelt my hair (he still does it now:'))eventually he started getting better, and as he started getting better, so did the relationship of my family, when he was finally aloud home everything went on as usual... (actually crying now)... I still remember being In that hospital, watching him cry as we walked out of the door, just wishing I was the one with cancer, instead of him, I would do anything for my dad, anything. Even though it was almost 5 years ago, I do still have nightmares, thinking back to them days, non of my family know about it, and I dont want them to find out, I'm so lucky to have a dad as strong and inspirational as him.
and that's why my dad is my hero.
I love you so much, dad<3

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