

Ask @JessicaIsWright

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Favorite food? Best chat up line? Are you ticklish? Opinion on sheep? Biggest fear?

1) slothages x
2)get in the van now or i will rape you
3) omfg if yo touch me, i am not responsible for your injuries
4) sheep r good
Liked by: becca hamile Jorgi

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Thank you so much for that paragraph. I kind of realize that, someone does care about me, somewhere, it has helped me a lot, i'l try my hardest not to cut anymore, thank you so much, you're an amazing person xxx

no, you are x

I've been getting bullied a lot at my school. I have 1 friend, but they won't listen. I've been cutting for years and the more insults I get, the deeper I cut, it's getting too much now. I feel like I am going to do something I will regret, please don't think I am attention seeking, I just need help

I'm so sorry, I've only just seen this question
Firstly, you're not attention seeking at all, you're just asking me for help, which is fine, ok, don't feel that by asking for help will make people think that you want attention, ok.
I know I may not be able to help that much, but i'll try.
Don't listen to anything anyone says, none of their opinions matter. You need to be confident in the way you look, and the way you feel about yourself. You're beautiful. There will always be them people that will look down to you, make you feel small, make you feel dark, lonely and worthless, and those are the people that are worthless, and little. They put you down, to make them self feel bigger. There will always be someone out there that cares, whether it's family, friends, teachers, friends of friends, ex boyfriends/girlfriends, class mates, anyone. Someone out there loves you, cares about you, when they look at you they can't help but smile, when they see that you're sad, they will be sad too. No matter who it is, they care.
There is always someone, or even something out there that is worth living for. There is never a good reason to end your life. It could be a friend, family member, pet, object, or even just a memory, think about the other people in the world, that feel even worse then you do, they would do anything to be in your position right now. No one has a perfect life, there is a million things that could go wrong, there will always be hard times, sad times, happy times, dark times, even scary times. You just have to keep your head high, and fight it.
Who cares what people think?
Who cares if people want to call you names?
Who cares if they want to make you feel small?
Because at the end of the day, you will always end up on top.
You're perfect the way you are.
Just think, when you overcome all of this, those scars will just be an old memory.
Keep your head held high, and whatever comes at you, just knock it back 10x harder okay?
You're not alone,
You're better then them x

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Sum up 'life'?

- Gangnam style
- Harlem shake
- Croc haters
- Croc jokes
- Sloth lovers
- Sloth jokes
- 'Facebook fame'
- Zello
' 'Ask.fm fame'
- Meet ups
- Knee high socks
- Septum piercings
- Massive hair
- 'Rachet'
- Skinny jeans
- Beanies
- Baggy t-shirts
- Red hair
- Leather leggings
- Creepers
- Nikes
- Starbucks
- Button up shirts
- Tattoos
- Cup song
- Knife song
- People thinking they can sing
- 'Didn't realize I was taking a video' videos
- Thigh gaps (That makes people look like they're cut in half)
- Turning 'bisexual' for attention
- Self harm
- 'Depression'
- Taking the piss out of disabled children. (Sick minded people.)
- Wishing cancer on people/telling people to die. (Sick minded people.)
And about 49328498 more.
Thank you.
And goodbye.

why are you hardly ever on ask anymore?

it's boring
no one talks to me
no one asks me questions
no one likes my answers
no one entertains me
everyone gets hate
too many twats taking the piss out of disabled children
too many people i hate
'ask.fm meet up' (btw it's actually the most saddest thing ive heard in a long time l0lz)
i have nothing to rant about
full of two-faced twats
full of ignorant twats
full of cocky twats
full of racist twats
full of homophobic twats
full of twats
full of snap backs
full of septum piercings
full of knee-high socks
full of slug eyebrows
full of back-combed hair


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