

Ask @JessicaIsWright

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What's zello

i don't care if i get hate for this,
but i can not stand people like leeanda, or James little.. making jokes about innocent children that unfortunately where born with a syndrome/disease that cause them to fight for their life. it's horrible, all i am going to say is i hope they're children are born with that problem, just so they understand the pain and suffering the family go through, it's horrible

If you wer ship wrecked on a dessert island with only women inhabitants which of thes items would be most useful - A Sledgehammer - Ear plugs - A dildo?

someone ask me questions
or talk to me
entertain me in any way
i am so bored
and ask.fm is so dead
save me pls

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opinion on:::::: @jackberryhere96 , @cary008 , @RhysDorning , @toririley , @annarolo

love jack so much
cary's funny, and i want his accent
rhys, omg i miss him so much, (if he comes back, like his answers on his new account, @oooverdose)
tori, i don't know him that well, so i don't have an opinion on him, i respect him though
anna, again, i don't know her at all, but i do know that she gives innocent people hate, therefore, i h8 her x

Hey, I'm not giving you hate but that post you said about being suicidal really offended me because I told two people on ask fm on anon I was going to commit because Ive planned it all because I couldnt tell them over facebook i told them afterwards it was me. Does this make me an attention seeking?

I don't mean it like that, I mean it like, if someone asks you a question, on anonymous, and you don't know who they are, it's hard to explain, for example..
Someone sends you a question on anonymous saying:
'Just kill yourself already'
and you answer it by saying
'Who says I haven't already planned it, bye forever'
If you tell someone on anonymous, it's not as bad, as long as you're close friends with someone. I don't mean it like that..
Just think before you do anything stupid x


This is actually so irritating.
Before anyone says anything, this isn't for attention, I know I do a lot of rants and stuff, but this is the one that I feel most strongly about.
Basically, On ask.fm, there are a lot of people that are 'suicidal', or that get a lot of hate, or anything like that
People are actually telling anon's that they're going to kill themselves, how pathetic is that.
There is no reason for it, other then the fact you want attention.
Some of these 'ask.fm' famous people are actually saying they're going to kill themselves, but they wont.
There is no reason for it,
.You have so much attention already, with your 3948309482309 likes, and 2043920 times a day people calling you perfect, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, hot, etc, there are other people out there that don't get that. All they get called is, ugly, horrible, gross, pathetic, and more.
I'm not saying that these people live a perfect life, because no one does, they might have something going on in their personal life or something, but everyone has bad times, yet they don't let 49324 people know.
I'm not saying any names, but someone I used to follow was saying how they're going to kill themselves, and basically, crying for attention, you might all me a hypocrite, but when I was upset, I told about 3 people, all on Kik/facebook, or just somewhere private. I hate anons, so if I was suicidal, they would be the last person I tell, unless I wanted attention/compliments.
That's probably the most annoying thing about ask.fm. If you where actually suicidal, or depressed, you wouldn't let your 942343 followers know would you? You would only tell the people you trust. People are actually saying they're depressed/suicidal because of anons that give them hate daily... well, I'm not being rude but I guarantee almost every single person on askfm has had hate, and they deal with it. Like, if you let the hate get to you, and it makes you depressed or something, then surely you would have deleted your account ages ago? People on my feed are actually saying they're suicidal because of anon's. DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT THEN MAYBE YOU WON'T GET ANY OF THE HATE THEN? ffs. yeah, you can probably tell i'm in a bad mood
blame the people on my feed
i'll probably get hate for this
i don't even care
i know that @MelissaJadeScott agrees with me
so yeah
so moody omg
if you're one of them people pretending to be suicidal/depressed for attention... enjoy this picture x

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