@Lady_Eloquent#45 🇬🇧

ʟᴀᴅʏ ᴇʟᴏQᴜᴇɴᴄᴇ

Ask @Lady_Eloquent

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What determines your own self worth? What makes it rise and/or fall?

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I believe every person has it's own credo. Like in Assassines Creed (Maybe you know the game?) It's like a selfmade Codex and we try to fullfill it and our actions are grounded by this Credo. Also it's formed by the Credo of the society around us.
We know we do good when we don't harm others or share something with them, also that it's bad to act selfish. But still we have our own credo. Some people had to learn to be on their own so of course they are more self centered and it's nothing bad with it as long as they can take care of others too.
Our self worth rise when we be ourselfs and act the way our Credo tell us it's right. By trying to be someone else and by breaking our own morals and rules our own selfworth is falling. Thats what I believe.

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What determines your own self worth What makes it rise andor fall

Would you choose someone who loves you more than you do OR someone you love more than he /she does ?

GlowingFly’s Profile PhotoForgotten
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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No matter what I choose, the ending is still the same.
I need to love someone equally as he/she loves me. At least I need the feeling that we love each other equally. I don't want to love someone, who can't give me something in return.
Would be like the relationsship of the sun and the moon. Sun loves the moon so much that she shine for the both of them. But the moon has no power on it's own. It's only a reflection of the sun. This love has some tradgedy. And I've had enough of it. I can fill a second life with the drama I've already had.
On the other hand knowing that someone loving me more than I possibly could love that person back feels like a burden to me. I always would feel like everything I do for that person is not enough. And to give all your love and yourself including your personality to someone should be enough in my opinion.
So your choices here are equally frustrating. I wouldn't choose any of it.

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Do you believe in gut feelings, to tell you about someone?

GlowingFly’s Profile PhotoForgotten
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Well in real life I ofthen trust my instinct. Of course it's easier there because you can observe how people react diffrently in each situation. And in the virtual reality it's not that easy - especially for me. You have to get to know people and even when you do they can vanish in the crowd of anonymity and act like the whole relationsship was a April Fools Joke. Or you start to talk to someone and you really get along very well and they stop to talk to you all of the sudden.For some People texting is talking. I ofthen get the feeling that my moral concept is too old school. Maybe I am an alien but people act diffrently here. I don't know if I can trust anything when it comes to virtual personalitys.

Are you kind to anyone?

Syphira’s Profile PhotoSaphira
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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No, I am not.
I try to treat everyone with respect. Like the way I want to be treated. And when I feel that someone obviously cares about me and wants only the best for me, thats the point where I start to act kind towards that person.
Also in situations where my emotionality is needed. In this case you don't have to be a friend or someone who is close to me. If I get the feeling that you need my help, because something really bad happend I couldn't just look away.
Are you kind to anyone

###How to kindly turn down someone trying too hard to be your friend but you find them annoyinG?

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Dont be too kind. It looks like a lie.
Be honest instead. Because you hurt that person anyway.
Say it short and quick, because you better use your words like a knife in their chest than as a sweet poison.
In the end, how you leave someone stays always with them.

Es ist zwar schade, dass du hier scheinbar kaum/keine Rollenspiele hast aber dennoch vielen Dank für deine kreativen Ideen, deinen tollen Antworten und deinem wundervollen Schreibstil. Ich hoffe sehr, dass deine Charaktere hier wieder aktiver werden und du dich nicht mehr so oft deaktivierst.

Black_Ghost_Follower’s Profile Photo✿ Jᥙᥣιᥱt Dᥲ'ᥒᥱᥱr ☾
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Ich habe ein neues RPG in Planung.
Alle anderen sind leider abhängig von meinen Playpartnern, die im Moment nicht mehr Zeit aufbringen können.
Ich würde auch sehr gerne wieder aktiver sein, wer weiß vielleicht wird es irgendwann wieder - ich habe die Hoffnung jedenfalls nicht aufgegeben.
Das deaktivieren war für mich ebenso schwer. Da in diesen Acc. viel Arbeit und Mühe gesteckt wurde. Aber ich musste Abstand nehmen um einen klaren Kopf zu bekommen. Ich bin dennoch froh darüber wenn es Menschen gibt die über meinen emotionalen Chaos hinweg sehen und sich meine Antworten und damit Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt interessieren. (Also Dankeschön auch an dich und ich finde den Text, den du gerade an uns RPGer verfasst hast wirklich lieb. Fühl dich gedrückt!)
Ich schreibe aktuell Kurzgeschichten, Gedichte und derartiges. Wenn Interesse besteht kann ich durchaus mal etwas posten. Habe ich einmal sogar gemacht: https://ask.fm/Lady_Eloquent/answers/143454961072
Aber grundsätzlich solange Ich weiß, das das RPG nicht abgebrochen wurde, warte Ich auch noch auf Antwort meiner Playpartner.

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###Ever hurt someone who didn't deserve to be hurT? Talk about it...

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I surely did that to someone.
People can hurt each other without even knowing so.
It's because we are not willing to open up to everyone.
Also I hurt friends, family by pushing them away. When I got isolated in the 8 grade I started to believe that everyone is just a word away from leaving me. Thats were I started to test everyone around me. I wanted to push them away as far as I can, to see if someone would come back to me. I obviously hurt them. And I still tend to do it when I get insecure.

Happy new year ! In 2018, I wish you : a better mental/physical health, more energy, open-mindedness, healthy relationships , good dreams, success , delicious food and happiness ! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Sakuchann’s Profile PhotoSakuchann
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Haha, thanks thats all I need in the end. I guess so.
Thanks to you, for taking time to write me your lovely wishes.
And I hope that you continiue on your drawing process :) (It's already gorgeous!) Also people, who are always there for you when you need them and that you can always find a reason to smile and be happy.
Happy new year  In 2018 I wish you  a better mentalphysical health more energy

###Talk about betrayal...

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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"The sad thing is...betrayal comes never from your "enemies". It comes from friends and loved ones."
I don't know about the author of this quote but it's totally true in my opinion.

If Santa grants you a wish, what would yours be?

GlowingFly’s Profile PhotoForgotten
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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To give me the power to realize who is true/honest with me. Who really loves me from the bottom of their heart. Because I am too blind maybe. And especially people which stand close to me break my heart easily. I dont want to decide anymore between loving me and loving them. I really want to be strong enough to go away when they stop loving me.
But then again...Santa and I arn't that close to another. x'D
If Santa grants you a wish what would yours be

Where is a beautiful place to spend Christmas? :)

GlowingFly’s Profile PhotoForgotten
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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It's not the place, it's people who design/create a beautiful or terrible christmas. And this people are family and close friends.

Can you share an encouragement message..? :)

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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If someone simply don't seem to care...belive them and feel free to leave. Because you deserve to be loved like all human beeings.
We accept the love we think we deserve - Perks of beeing a wallflower.
Dont expect so less for yourself. Start to love yourself now and leave toxic relationsships behind.

Have you ever wholehearted believed in a fantasy as a child? If yes, what was it? If not, do you wish you did? [[ask.fm/ElementalDude97/answers/145581574603]]

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Do you know 'bout the beauty and the beast?
Well, I think you do, since it is a very popular fairytale.
When I saw it as a child I believed in love on the second sight.
Also that love is something that need to be explored and to grow. Of course you might find easily a lot of reasons to dislike someone, but if you look closer and take you're time, you always find something to love. And I believe that all kind of relationsships need to be worked on.Thats something I still believe in since then.
Have you ever wholehearted believed in a fantasy as a child If yes what was it

Schreibst du auch Short-Story's ? Wenn ja könntest du mal eine, von zum Beispiel einer deiner Pairings, posten ?

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Ich weiß nicht ob man das unter der Kategorie Kurzgeschichte verbuchen kann. Aber ich hab mich versucht.
— ᴇɪɴ ғʀᴇᴜɴᴅ
Bist du ein Freund?
Was tut ein Freund?
Was tut ein Freund nicht?
Ein Freund ist nicht der, der am meisten Zeit mit dir verbringt. Ein Freund ist der, der stets in deinen Herzen und Gedanken wohnt und dich auch dann nicht vergisst, wenn eine lange Zeit vergeht ohne einander gesehen zu haben.
Ein Freund ist der, der dir die Wahrheit sagt auch wenn sie weh tut.
Ein Freund sagt dir nicht nur die schmerzhafte Wahrheit sondern verteidigt deine Schwächen im Angesicht derer die, die Stärken eines Freundes nicht finden können.
Was bin ich eigentlich?
Wenn ich keinen Platz in deinen Herzen habe, dann nennt man das wohl Fremde mit Erinnerungen.
Was bist du eigentlich?
Wenn ich mir nie deiner sicher bin.
Wenn dir alles leichter fällt als mit mir zu sprechen.
Ein Freund hat Verständnis für nahezu jede Situation.
Aber hat ein Freund auch Verständnis wenn du den Platz in deinem Herzens an jemand anderen vermietest, zu einem besseren Preis?
Freundschaft hat keinen Preis?!
Warum kostet deine dann meine innere Ruhe?
Warum ist deine Abwesenheit so schmerzhaft wie deine Anwesenheit?
Warum vertraue ich auf deine Lügen?
Warum misstraue ich deiner Wahrheit – deiner Natur?
Die Dinge, die ein Freund tut, tust du nicht.
Aber das ist okay. Wenn auch nur in meinen Gedanken bist du:
– ein Zuhause
– ein Teil meiner Vergangenheit
– ein Teil meiner Familie
– ein kleiner Teil von mir
– ein Freund.

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❝Dorian: You like me.
Detective John Kennex: Sorry?
Dorian: You like me.
Detective John Kennex: No, I don't.
Dorian: Yes, you do.
Detective John Kennex: No.
Dorian: You definitely do.
Detective John Kennex: How do you come by that conclusion?
Dorian: The MX. You shot it. You shot it because it insulted me. You like me.
Detective John Kennex: No. I shot the MX because it wouldn't shut up.
Dorian: Nope. You shot it because you like me.
Detective John Kennex: Keep talking, I'll prove my point.
Dorian: It's okay, John. I like you, too. ❞
——————-【 ✐ 】——————
Almost Human | Dorian & John Kennex
Dorian You like me

Detective John Kennex Sorry

Dorian You like

Your dark side. How often do you approach it?

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Do you know the story 'bout the white and the dark wolf? You surely can guess what the both of them stand for.
I really dont like my dark wolf. I accept that I have one. I dont try to shoot him because I know I cant. But I dont try to feed him eiter. Its always the white wolf I take care of. But strangly people get more attached to my dark wolf. And so my dark wolf is never hungry at the same time.
Your dark side How often do you approach it


Language: English