
✿ Linaly ✿

Ask @Lina112211

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Where do you see yourself five years from now?

hopefully at a nice college at least halfway to a degree in medicine or engineering whichever

What makes you lose your temper?

when people interrupt me when i am either reading, listening to music, playing piano, doing homework, studying for an upcoming test, or anything.... important.

What was the best advice you've ever received?

i don't even know what do to like should i delete my facebook and face my old friends who would kill me bc that is our only form of communication or keep it and... idk.
What was the best advice youve ever received

What is your favorite holiday?

Holi :) i mean smearing colored powder on my friends and family YES I ENJOY THIS HOLIDAY even it takes FOREVER to get off

What activity do you never get bored with?

playing piano... which is what my dad thinks i spend all of my time doing when he isn't around...


Language: English