
✿ Linaly ✿

Ask @Lina112211

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Would you ever wear your stripe t.shirt, suspenders and red pants again?😉

i own suspenders? that's news to me

What made you smile today? P.S. Don't say nothing, you don't have to wait for anything to make you smile! 😉

I played a game with a friend today and when i got a kill he was like WOW I'M SO PROUD and it made me laugh

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Why do people leave?

Because there's no reason for them to stay. Or they're going on an adventure like Bilbo :)

What do you HATE? ???

When people reach out to me, say "how are you?" and i'll respond and ask how they are and they say "good :)" and then don't continue the conversation. Like... why did you reach out to me just to ask how I am? haha

What interests you?

a lot of things! space. science. plants. animals. art. shows. food. cooking. baking. video games. friends! crafting. fashion! the ocean. intricate things. music.

What's the best advice your father ever gave you ?

the only thing people can never take from you is knowledge

Do you ever feel close to anyone on here, even though you don't know them in a real life?

not anymore. i do have friends i know from school on here. i'm just not close with them anymore.

If people wore warning signs, what would be written on yours?

warning: one of the only things she gets excited about is food

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

towards the back but between the middle and the back haha

If you were a super hero what powers would you have?

either time travel or knowing every language/being able to communicate with every living thing!!


Language: English