
✿ Linaly ✿

Ask @Lina112211

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Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?

at home. because i can make whatever i want and it's FREEE. well other then the ingredients.
and i don't have to change out of my pjs.

What are 5 things you love?

- a guy i know :P
- making people happy
- me
- penguins
- kids
- the stars
- coming out of a movie theater at night and looking up and seeing stars
- rainbows
- indian and chinese food
- taco bell #chickenchelupasurpreme #hmu
that's more then 5
oh well

What is your favorite flower?

if you don't find this flower gorgeous what is wrong with you
it's called a lotus
What is your favorite flower

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Take a picture of your home library.

if i had one i probably would never leave my house and you wouldn't know i existed.

Post a picture of your favorite building or monument!

i was gonna post a picture of mnhs but that's too much effort so just think mnhs. well mainly the library classroom. btw, join book club because all they do is eat food the entire time and we never actually had to read anything although occasionally we were like oh yeah we should talk about books... yeah no *continues sliding away from other people as we play tag on the chairs and try not to laugh to loud and whenever the librarian comes in we pretend we're doing something productive* lol i was the one who started that tradition. best. day. ever. chilling after school til 6 every day with people. meeting and sitting with the nerd squad at lunch and discussing every guy we know ever for no apparent reason then freaking out when they walk by. eating pizza <--- major mnhs experience. the pizza here sucks. having little to no homework every night. have 8 hours of homework here every day. not fun. walking in a giant mob of people trying to get to class. there are 1/2 as many people here. my usual day here:
- get up
- shower in 5 minutes (still don't know how i manage to do that it takes me 3 hours on weekends)
- eat in 10 minutes
- drive to school (as in sit in the passenger seat as i still don't have a permit)
- run to my locker
- attempt to shove my backpack into my locker but give up and just take it with me
- run to math
- teacher glares at half the people as they walk in
- spends class talking about how annoyed he is at life
- bell rings
- walks out of class and walks to next one.
- walks by guy that thinks i like him and likes himself too much
- glares at him
- continues walking
- walks to physics where the teacher (literally the best teacher ever and not cuz she's indian and her indian accent is on point) asks me how my morning was
- spends class learning about sound waves and instruments
- bell rings
- walks to chemistry
- always gets there first and asks teacher how her day was
- learns about math and chemicals
- bell rings
- goes to gym
- doesn't bother changing because no one does anyway
- takes out book, reads
- teacher says we have to actually do something today so we play baseball
- naturally gets put on the team with all guys and all the annoying ones
- done with life by now
- bell rings
- goes to english
- sits down and reads
- teacher talks about project
- gets dismissed to lunch
- walks with fellow nerd talking about books
- grabs lunchbox and heads to caff.
- goes sits in the middle of the cafeteria, where only juniors and seniors are allowed, with junior friends
- sits down
- friends ask what lunch i have
- i eat half of it, share the other half
- other indian person eats half of hers and i eat half
- goes back to english
- spaces out rest of class period
- bell rings
- goes to history
- sits down and reads
- realize we have homework
- crap (aka freak out)
- don't have to turn it in
- dies of happiness
- learns about russia and it's revolutions
- bell rings
- spanish
- bell rings
- goes to library first thing

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What is the best way to learn a foreign language?

teach 'em young. i know a three year old (notice how all of my friends in KC are under the age of 7 except like four people) girl who switches from hindi to odia to english in one sentence. mind. blown.

What makes someone attractive?

well according to my fortune cookie: be yourself, and you will always be in fashion.

When was the last time you tried something new?

you mean today when my dad finally let me wear indian clothes to school?
every indian person: brah why you wearin' indian clothes
every other person: ooo lina your shirt is so pretty!! and omg your bangles match!
me: ... they always match *jingles hands really loudly*
yeah i'm not allowed to not wear bangles. SINCE BIRTH BRUH. #indianforlife

What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

idk my dad isn't into the whole scary movies thing. we watch superhero movies a whole bunch like action movies and sci-fi. occasionally fantasy but rarely. and ghost movies don't really scare me lol they just make me laugh. and any scary movie really.

What color is your bedroom wall?

green :D then my dad's room in blue. (took forever to convince him to get me green doe)

Do you like long hair or short hair better on others?

well it kinda depends on the person. i've seen both look good on both genders.

Is global warming real? What do you think will happen?

well yeah duh.
glob·al warm·ing
a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.

What one word describes you?

indian. or so i've heard. like everywhere. and that person asking me why i'm so indian? there are enough american people to go around that's why. and who doesn't like a little diversity? i'm proud to be indian. and i'm sorry if you don't like that. the fact that i'm in america actually makes me want to be "more" indian, contrary to your logic.

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

yep, preschool nap-time. and more than a few times in freshman biology. Buckley didn't even care and I sat two feet away from his desk. it was pretty awesome. he also always threw pencils at everyone else at sleeping. which made it even more awesome. and then he's call on me and I'd give the right answer. Oh btw did I ever tell anyone my principal asked me if i wanted to graduate early? if i wanted to i could. But you know? I don't want to. #meganerd

Who is your most attractive friend?

idk man all my friends are gorgeous and sexy asf in some way or another

Do you wear socks in bed?

actually all the girls in my family have this thing where when we sleep our feet are never covered. like they are hanging outside our blankets. even my two year old cousin. it's hilarious XD


Language: English