
✿ Linaly ✿

Ask @Lina112211

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What's your favorite video game?

well if i'm playing with guys it's like the violent beat each other up games because i always win :D
but by myself it's zelda and pokemon and kingdom hearts and other not as violent cute games

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What talent do you wish you'd been born with?

Making decisions. Oh and not procrastinating. I do that every. Single. Day. It's bad. I need to stop but we all know that isn't happening soon.

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

Looking up music figuring out a dance with it randomly dancing anime manga reading homework stalking people out of boredom complimenting people cuz that doesn't happen that often anymore drawing stuff drawing anime versions of people I know eating food cleaning my room which never happens cooking talking to people about stuff playing soccer with a wall videogames chess making clothes designing stuff being me to freak people out because they think I'm weird but I think I'm normal pretending to be smart even though I'm really not buying people stuff making friends and currently I'm not crushing on anyone and it's boring as hell so all this stuff happens pretty frequently now. And be happy writing that took me a good 10 minutes. OH AND I FORGOT SLEEP <~ that is my life

Whom have you hugged today?

that moment when two of your junior friends hug you at the same time and you're just standing there feeling like a little kid... And then your dad walks in and you're just oh hey dad this isn't extremely awkward at all :)

I am not the same person as that last racist was but I sit next to U in a class. Pls anwser this. U r really nice but why...

-.- sorry i'll try harder to fix that

What are you terrible at?

making friend that are my age. i either make friends with kindergarteners or 30 year old women like there is no in between idk why... it might be because the 30 year olds are the wives of my dad's friends tho. or i make friends with classy indian girls that are in college because i'm just that awesome. O~O

I totally agree with you Lina. The only reason The Unites States is so amazing is because of our diversity. and our economy flourishes because of the hardworking immigrants like Indians and Asians. America would be no where if it was filled with pretentious anons talking crap about other countries

Liked by: Preethi Dharma Ka$h


you know, there are indians everywhere, making india "the proud".
and uhh i can't "stop being indian"...
i thought that should be a bit more obvious..............
oh and the whole "smelly shitty ugly ass nation" you are talking about? you been there bruh?

Stop being Indian. U are in America. No indian music food clothes movies or whatever the fuck else. Or else fucking go back to ur smelly shitty ugly ass nation

excuse you i was born in the USA and intent to stay here however fucking long i want
and india is a lot more beautiful than your ugly ass face hiding behind ask ain't it
(don't diss india man, that's rude. dissing me is fine i don't give a shit. dissing india makes me want to punch your coward face so don't. not to mention pisses me off a whole lot)
(and btw sorry for my language i don't usually cuss)

whts a candy gram

it's like a thing my new school does for valentines day so you can send secretly your crush candy. someone will then go to their class and give it to them and they won't know it's you.


Language: English