

Ask @Lizzietje

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Ben je ooit naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk geweest? Have you ever been to the UK?

belsammael’s Profile PhotoMark
Only once, when I was in college. I was studying English and the second-year students took a trip to England. We visited Oxford, Canterbury and Windsor.

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Liked by: Mark

Did you get engaged?

I’ve been engaged for over 3 years already. We were supposed to get married over a year ago, but my mum’s passing kinda threw everything off schedule.

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When you have a sick day, how do you usually spend it? 🤒📺📖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Lying on the couch while watching some TV. I admit I can be a bit of a baby when I’m sick.
Liked by: Tobbe

What was the last thing you revisited which you hadn't done / experienced in a while? ⏪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
This week I started playing The Sims 4 again after a 9-month hiatus. Since September I hadn’t played anything except for Baldur’s Gate 3, and I’m getting a bit sick and tired of that now.
Liked by: Tobbe

If you for whatever reason moved away from the country where you currently live, what things would you miss the most? ✈️😕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
The food. Nothing beats the taste of fries with beef stew and mayonaise. 😋
Liked by: Tobbe

What do you do to keep a healthy diet? Like, to not cave into your cravings etc. 🍌🍏🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I do my best to stick to our weekly menu that I make in advance, but every now and then I catch myself having a cheat day when I really shouldn’t.
Liked by: Tobbe

If you're someone who either drive or take public transport, what conditions would have to be met for you to consider biking to your destination instead? 🚴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I dislike exercise in general, so biking isn’t really a cup of tea. Growing up my parents often forced me to exercise in combination with unhealthy dieting methods, which in turn lead to disordered eating.

What are your optimal conditions to get a good night's sleep? 😴🌡️🔇

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My sleep schedule’s been messed up for years, but ever since my mum became sick it’s gotten even worse. I’m currently on medication to help improve my sleep, but they don’t always work as intended. Some days I’m falling asleep when it’s not even 8 PM, other days I’m still awake by the time the sun’s rising again.
Liked by: Tobbe

Roughly when do you eat your various meals throughout the day? 🕔🍔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Because of my depression I really struggle to eat regularly and, most importantly, consistently. It’s something I’ve been working on with my psychiatrist, but so far it hasn’t really improved.

You looking forward to summer? You have any plans? ☀️⛱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I hate summer and everything it has to offer. I hate hot weather, I have allergies, and I hate clothing that show off more than usual.
Liked by: Tobbe

What do you usually eat for breakfast? 🥞🥓

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m not consistent about my meals at all, and despite knowing it’s unhealthy I hardly ever have breakfast.
Liked by: Tobbe

What kind of cake do you like most? 🍰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
There’s a local supermarket that has raspberry red velvet cake and it’s super delicious! 😋
Liked by: Tobbe

What do you do to make sure you don't oversleep? ⏰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I hardly ever get any proper sleep, so waking up on time really isn’t an issue for me.
Liked by: Tobbe

What'd be a typical outfit for you during this time of year? 👗☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t like wearing shorts or dresses/skirts that show my tighs because of some scars I’m very self-conscious about, so I usually stick to longer skirts with a slit or shorts until right above my knee. Considering that nowadays I practically live in band tees I wear that, and a pair of Vans to top it all of.
Liked by: Tobbe

If you have an office / gaming chair that you regularly use, what kind is it? What do you think of it? 👍👎

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I used to have a pastel green office chair back at my parents’ house, but now I don’t even have a desk.
Liked by: Tobbe

Who do you like watching on Youtube? ▶️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Lately I’ve been watching lots of videos that provide tips and tricks for Baldur’s Gate 3. I’m currently doing a playthrough on the highest difficulty setting and so far it’s been a real struggle.
Liked by: anonamouse

What was the last piece of media which had you truly invested? Like a book, show, video game etc. 🤩📺📖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I recently finished all 8 seasons of Game of Thrones. I actually really enjoyed it, despite the final season being terrible.

What do you typically like doing on flights to pass the time? ✈️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I’ve only ever flown twice, to and fro Prague, and that was years ago. I really can’t answer that.
Liked by: anonamouse

What's the best / worst thing about what you do? Like your job, what you study etc. 💼📚

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m currently unemployed due to mental health issues, and that will stay that way for the foreseeable future. I truly wish I could do more and live like a functional adult, but right now I just can’t.
Liked by: Tobbe


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