@M1ssSemy#2 🇱🇻

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Have you ever had an internet stalker and what did you do about it?

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I might've had some stalkers back when I still posted some photos/selfies of myself on Facebook/IG occasionally but I deleted Instagram over a year ago, and I don't publish any personal photos on my Facebook profile anymore, only paintings/poems/memes/random classical music, etc., and I'm quite sure nobody is stalking that lol.
If you mean internet stalking as in someone harassing me online, I had some of that in the past. As far as I remember, I usually just blocked these individuals and that was it.
I currently have someone who since October has caused nothing but shit for me via tik tok eg starting shit over a video posted years ago, reporting back to others stuff I have posted, trying to find a problem with stuff I post, even going as far as spending 20 minutes looking for me after I changed my username. I left it alone until last weekend when I told them if they didn't leave me alone I would have no choice but to get the police involved.
In the past when people have stalked me online I block them and i have also made new accounts in the past.

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