
Miss Irah

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

A masjid.
Cleansing it with reciting the verses of the Qur'an everyday and also doing the prayers.

Latest answers from Miss Irah

How do you deal with past regret?

I don't deal with them.
They just keep reliving in my mind whenever some thing just triggers them.
What I always say to my mind is that, don't make this as a past regret that your mind will keep on thinking about coz I miss the chance that I don't take and it will be an instant regret in my mind. So if wanna do it, just do it cause it will fill your mind with great memory ❤️

do u have tele?

Tele like the telephone?
I miss that. I wanna own one vintage tele one day lol like I have someone to talk to.

Is overthinking a sign of intelligence or a sign of anxiety?

Haha for me is just anxiety. Worrying about so many things. But isn't it intelligent enough to just stop the worrying and get things done?!! Haha I wish to do that at times but I can't automatically switch my mind off and get things done. If I could, maybe don't overthink things through and let my action moves for itself. But of course I need my mind along with it. So putting the thoughts aside requires will power.... I totally overthinks this through hehe

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

It was heartbreaking even though it was really stupid cause we were like 14, I guess.
We both texted each other and curse one other. I was thinking it was a playful thing then the next thing I knew she was Hella mad about it then when I thought we were gonna be alright and we gonna mend the bond, she... Confronted me as she brought along her friend and she humiliated me. So that's a great reason for me to break off our friendship even though we really had a great potential to be great friends. I don't regret but am SAD it turn out that way. A breakup from a friendship is worse than it will be from a relationship.

Is it okay to be antisocial to avoid drama?

I love this question.
Coz I totally did this. I really avoid drama back in my teen years in school. Not that I don't have ANY drama, I did but just a few. And let me tell you this, it's okay to not be social but honestly as I look back, man I wish I was vocal back then. That way I could create some memory that could last a lifetime. 😋
It's not bad to be antisocial but it just limit yourself to be friends with a different kind of people. I may not socialize with alot of people but I still socialize with some people and made some memories.

What are you afraid of trying?

Alot of things but I know if we put those fears aside, we can do so many impossible things. For sure. But I still have fear in myself.. I just wish to be more courageous than ever before.

Do you sleep with your music on ?

Not anymore. I do that when I was a teen. Now I listen out loud sometimes when I'm at my room. Lol

Whats your most annoying habit?

I Wanna be in control and be prepared but life itself is unpredictable. I can't control that and my feelings get really affected. I don't speak so kindly to myself. Always letting myself down by knowing that mistakes are made and that's okay. I'm learning and we should not be hard on ourselves. Gosh!

Language: English