
☻ ash ☻

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Latest answers from ☻ ash ☻

I'm not a fan of either of them btw...I'm just saying these things you object to have to do with the supreme court, which is trump's fault

ok cool idc

he is pro life. unfortunately trump named supreme court justices that changed the law.

trump wants abortion back. i’m done with you. i hate both of them but stand for trumps shit more than alzheimer’s biden. get the hell off my page child.

what biden has and hasn’t done

uh yeah
pro life
gas prices
lying about forgiving student loans
do i rly need to go on?????

like biden

do i like him? lmao absolutely not
i wanted him to win so badly and look k what he has and hasn’t done

Is there anyone in your family who has a split personality, like they're either super nice or very vicious?

Uhhhh most of it…

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