
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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do u want be married before the age of 30? Or do u wanna find life and someone to live it with?

For me, early and mid 30s are the ideal age to start getting married and having kids. Some people are still too immature in their 20s. Shoot some are like that in their 30s also. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Liked by: † Twix †

What do I do if my dad keeps going inside my room and cleaning up for me (like plates I left there after eating) I told him numerous times I don’t want him to do that and that I’ll clean up. but he said he will not tolerate untidiness. (I’m 18)?

Well you’re 18. Time to move out.
Liked by: † Twix †

Tips for getting this girl to respond to me? I message her everyday, I ask her creepy specific questions about the things she does almost like I’m watching her but she still doesn’t reply to me:( help I’ve been doing this on ask fm for 8 years because I don’t want her to reject me directly thru dm

Maybe try NOT to be creepy.
Liked by: † Twix †

Anyone stop taking birth control before and got side affects from it?

I never took birth control, because I know about those side affects.
Liked by: † Twix †

Do you believe in yours friends ?

My family are my friends, so I believe in the things they can accomplish. God is my best friend and I totally believe in him.
Liked by: † Twix †


Language: English