
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Are you mature yet immature compared to your actual age?

People call me a old soul. I’m young but support the old fashion things and people. Like I don’t believe in shacking for instance. I guess that’s more of my Biblical way of life. Not really an “old fashioned” way of life.
Liked by: † Twix †

Don’t tell me about my “white privilege”, you all have a power to make right decision and choose sport over drugs and school over selling crack. Don’t blame my skin color, your life sucks because of your poor decisions, not because you’re black.

Well I guess my cousins wanting to open up their own business where they once lived wasn’t “black privileged” enough. They had to completely move even farther away from me just to open up their own business. Because the state they lived in was too ignorant and racist. Denying them their work privileges to better themselves. None of them have any criminal backgrounds. Not all blacks can play sports, or can become a professional athlete and most blacks wouldn’t go out selling drugs if they wasn’t denied work privileges in the first place. That’s why I support black businesses more than any other business. And why even post your comment? You’re obviously not black, so you can’t judge any of us. You can never walk in a black person shoes. So why even act like you know the reasons behind a black person’s reasons. Most had to fight to get where they’re at. And some (like Bill Cosby for instance. One of the most wealthiest black men alive) are getting hit with hate, lies, and deceitfulness from white media. All because he wanted to buy a TV station. Okay really???
If both you and I walked in a store looking for the same job and they can only hire one person. 8 out of 10 they will hire you over me. Maybe they don’t like my “black accent.” Maybe my hair is too nappy for them. I shouldn’t have went with my natural hairstyle. I should’ve thrown on a fake straight wig over my nappy hair. Maybe my lips are too big. Maybe I look lazy or I’m a threat to their company. But whatever you say. Maybe I’m just a total idiot. Like you’re obviously trying to point out. Yeah maybe that’s it. My cousins are idiots too. It’s their imaginations that they wasn’t able to get what they wanted in the state they once lived in, but now they’re in a new state. They’re blossoming very well. Yeah maybe they just wasn’t trying hard enough in the state they once lived in. Even though they tried for years on in. Yeah total losers they are. I typed way too much. I’m not saying all blacks are trying. Some don’t care. There’s people in all races that are terrible. No one is perfect. But for you to sit up and point a finger to the selected few who don’t want to try and say we’re pretty much all are like that tells me you are the same nic picking a hole who wants to throw faults at everyone but themselves. I shouldn’t have to explain myself. I’m sitting up here doing all this writing when I need to be focusing on my homework. Because I’m that black low life who has a job and take classes. I can also be setting up my TV that I just bought with my drug money I got from my actual real paying job, and can be playing my video games that I stole from working. Oh man what a low life I am. Oh I can’t forget about getting harassed by the police on my friend’s front porch for no reason at all. Just my friend and I sitting and talking. Yeah we’re wrong. Maybe because he had that hoodie over his head, maybe It was my hoodie too. That Tomboy looks “suspicious.” But whatever. I’m just over thinking it.

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Liked by: † Twix †

Do you also sometimes think that it is better to live with pets than with people? Or is that a depressive thought?

It depends on the people you’re living with. Some are a headache, and others are very calming. If the people I’m living with are ratchet. I rather live with pets.


Language: English