
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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How comfortable would you be with someone, (friend, family, SO), picking up your phone, and scrolling through it?

vexiled’s Profile Photo↭vex↭
It depends on who it is. People I trust, I don’t mind them scrolling through my phone. My own parents I wouldn’t mind. I’m comfortable with it.

Small or big dogs?

I like big dogs. Mostly the misunderstood breeds Like American Staffy/Pit Bull, Rottweilers, Dobermans, and Boxers. I know how it feels to be misunderstood. I also call them the gladiator breeds.
Liked by: † Twix †

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What really makes you angry?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
It takes a lot for me to get angry. Someone has to be really testing me in order for me to blow my top. When that happens, that person doesn’t have to worry about ever talking to me ever again, because I’m done with them. Because I’m so mellow and humble, some people think I’m a pushover and like to try me. Those people get shut down really quickly too and they’re officially nonexistent in my life now. I will forgive them rather they apologize or not for their actions, but I still won’t reconnect with them. The damage has been done. Not all damages can be repaired.
Liked by: † Twix †

Should I sign divorce papers even if it's not what I want

Me personally, I hate divorces. People should make positively sure that they want to be with the other person for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately nowadays marriage is considered a joke and is no taken seriously anymore.
I can only say this. Unless your life is threatened by this marriage, domestic violence. You can separate. There’s marriage counselors for any other situation as well as domestic violence though. If you choose to divorce anyway, in actuality you two are still married in God’s eyes and are committing adultery if both, or one of you are seeing other people. Separation is the only thing that should be done, but none of you can see any one else during the separation. Thus the reason why marriage is not something to play around with.
Liked by: † Twix †

What do you do to take care of yourself when you’re sick?

When I have a cold, I will suck a lemon and take in as much vitamin D as I can. My colds don’t last long though like it used to. If it’s a stomach bug, or something. I eat very light foods like saltine crackers and drink either Ginger-ale, or 7-Up to calm my stomach down. I’m not a pop drinker, but those pops work on relaxing my stomach when my stomach is queasy.
Liked by: † Twix †

What would you do if you where to find out that the life/relationship you where in with your spouse was all a lie, and that you were being manipulated/gaslighted while they were off living a double life behind your back while you took care of their kids and your own?

Cheyenne Worlow
I would be devastated. I know someone who’s going through that right now and I feel she has a feeling about it, but she hasn’t said anything to her husband yet.


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