

Ask @PreciousB0y

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why do you like youtube ?

BEcAuse..! It'S A gOod PLaCe tO gO whEn yOu'Re b0reD, y0u cAn alWayS fiNd soMethinG tO mAke youH laUgH.. *,* N ItS a gReaT wAy tO fiNd soMe nEw inTerEstinG mUsiC, DoCuMeNtaRieS, and fuNny viDeOs>> We CAn AlSo WaCh thE livE StReamiNgS ON youTubeE..!! DailYmotioN Is AlSo a gOoD WeBsiTE liKe YoutUbe>> :) ;)

How you imagine your life after 10 years??? ^_^

aenibaloch’s Profile PhotoAenu ✨
i'LL bE 24..! iN TeN yEaRs I WiLl b3 a vEry suCCeSsful docToR wh0 triEs hiS bEst t0 bE tHe besT aNd beComE faMoUs.. ^_^ wiLl trY mY beST t0 avoiD maRRiaGe aNd continuo To bE A sinGle m@n. :) OnE of mY dreaMs iS to traVel aLl ovEr thE woRld>> I r3ally likE tO tRavEL & sEE tHe WorlD aNd iTs peOpLe...!! In tEn yeaRs, I caN imaGine thAt I Will bE A g00d trAvEleR wHo gOEs frOm A coUnTry tO aNotHer// I waNt tO sEe pEoPle aND thEir cUlTuReS, thEir liVeS AnD bEhaVioRs..! :) ;)

post something funny

goonawazgo’s Profile PhotoMustafa
1 ENgLisS dR.:
TOOtH brUsh kiTne arSey baD ReTirEd kiA jAta hY..?
ChiNeSe: 1 wEEk
BriTisH: 1 mONth
USA: 3 MoNthS
PaKisTani: PakiStan m3 tOOth brUsh kaBhi bHi reTirEd nHi hOTa..
EnGlish dR.: wOo keSe??
PaKisTani: paKisTan mE toOtH BrUsh sB sE peHle dAAnT sAaf krNe ke kAAm AatA h@i,
PhiR HaiR c0l0r kRNe KaY kAaM aAtA HaEy,
UskE bAd mAcHiNes Ki SaFaYi k kAM aaTa hY
Jb uSkE BaLL GiR JaTeY hN tO ShaLwaR mE nAArA dAlnaY kE kaaM aaTa HaEy..!! *,*

The worst joke you've ever heard? xD

HaterzGonnaHatexxx’s Profile PhotoKden Buffting
A wOmAn hAs tWinS aNd giVes thEm uP foR aDoPtion. OnE oF theM goEs to A familY iN EgYpt AnD iS naMed AhmAl. ThE oTheR g0es to A faMilY iN SpAin ; thEy naMe hiM JuaN. YeaRS laTeR, jUaN seNds a piCtuRe oF hiMseLf TO hiS biRtH mOtHeR. UpoN reCeiviNg thE piCTurE, shE teLLs hEr huSbaNd thaT shE wiShEs sHe aLs0 HaD a PicturE oF AhMaL. HeR hUsBanD resPonDs, ThEy'Re tWinS! IF y0u'Ve sEEn JuaN, YoU've SeeN AhMAL. +_+ #_# >_<
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