

Ask @Princessasowm

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Happy Birthday to you sweet Asma ..I wish you 059412 ( jk) ..thousand congratulations @ all the best for you in your life ...stay amazing.

hahaha xD thanks Krm for your sweet words, appreciated much<3
Liked by: ❤ love ❤ iKRM

Could you talk about one or more rules that are strictly implemented inside our home ?

Yes although I'm telling you the list is infinite, but let me try to summarize and highlight most of them=&
1. The guests room should always be clean and tidy because we never know when anyone might visit.
2. We are not allowed to pick up phone calls to the house phone during certain times.
3. I'm not allowed to go outside without their permission.
4. I cant go out without cleaning my room, well I do clean it but they just dont understand my cleaning lol.
5. Don't eat on the couch.
6. If I'm going to have anyone staying over, I must let the other person know.
7. No cursing:$
8. Whenever my mum asks me to go get her something from her room, I come back to her sprayed from her perfume, chewed a gum from her case and then I give her what she asked for. Well this is something I should be asking to do first xD
But tbh they are some simple easy rules which I think that they make sense and are easily followed x3

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Why, in your opinion, would a girl who has a difficult relationship with her father be more likely to fall for the first guy to give her attention & security even if it isn't genuine?

Mr. Do-do
Because she has a difficult relationship with her dad, she obviously needs an attention from a male figure and because she lacks the love from her dad's side so she is seeking it from an another guy hoping he'll compensate what she has lost, but thats so wrong because a girl's father is one of the most influential people in her life, so they should have a strong bond as her dad will always have such a big impact on his little girl’s development into a strong and confident woman.

Girl... You're missed<3 how's everything ? And awwww you're born in Sep too❤_❤.. I was born on the 1st of this beautiful month... And this nickname should be mine ˘ᵕ˘hehe jk... Of course you're the most beautiful queen who was born in this month:$ so eager to tell you HBD ;)

Awwwwwh Areej you are so effin sweet! Thank you lovely Areej, its good to be back, well I've missed you more and Layla and everyone here.. And I'm happy too you are back xD Everything is very well, I was a little busy, school has started and stuff, plus I'm in a very critical year, I've got my IG's..
Ohhhh really!!!? Thats beautiful!, haven't I told you that only unique people are those who were born in September:p hahah its ours xp thank you babee and Happy Belated Birthday:(((( I've lost the chance to wish you a happy birthday, I'm sorry darling=( but I hope you had a good one!! <3
Thank you for this beautiful msg, your words made my day<34567890123
Liked by: Layla Hossam

عندما تستقبل سؤال جديد في الاسك وتقرأه هل أنت من النوع الذي يُكوِّن فكرة كُلية لنموذج الإجابة التي ستقوم بكتابتها أي انك تعلم بالضبط كل ما ستقوم بكتابته قبل البدء فعلياً في الكتابة.. أم أنك تكون خاوي الذهن ومن ثم تنهمر عليك الافكار واحدة تلو الأخرى بعد كتابة اول سطر او سطرين ربما من الإجابة ؟;)

نعم في الواقع انا من النوع الذي يفكر ملياًً قبل كتابة الإجابة. لأكون صريحة معكِ الشيء يعتمد في الغالب على المزاج. تكون إجاباتي أكثر دقة وركازة عندما أكون في المزاج الحسن.، وأيضاًً بعض الأوقات عندما أنتهي من كتابة الإجابة تظهر لي بعض الجُمل والأفكار التي انسى كتابتها او أندم لأني لم أكتبها.. وأحيان أخرى تنهمر عليّ الأفكار الأخرى بعد كتابة أول سطرين منها.
أعذريني على طريقة كتابتي باللغة العربية:$


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