

Ask @Princessasowm

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It's not goodbye^^

To everyone who has followed me or not. I apologize to u all for not answering some or most of your questions, I've got studies on my head and I'm planning for my summer holiday + exams so I barely have time to eat cookies heheh;p . But I wouldn't delete any question u have asked me before as I never do but I'll answer after few days or maybe weeks later. I'm sorry again x. Wish me luck everyone. Take care and Love from here<3

The doctor is asking u to make a hard decision.... keep your baby or your wife....? No other option..Who u shall select and why? >>>>>> (For the girls, u can make a comment :) )

Why would the doctor ask the man to keep his baby or his wife?:s
But he better say his wife:3 jk it depends on the age of the son or else he should choose the small little cute baby:c
Liked by: M Mona.

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Dear friend, may I read your opinion of me?! All are welcome!

Sure friend. Or may I call u boss?
Anyway, when u joined ask, I was already there and I think I was one of the very few who noticed u lol, I actually dont know much about u x but I always used to read ur answers, and to be honest u deserve a standing ovation! For everything really!
I'm an honest person and will give my opinions honestly and straightforwardly;) I literally loved ur answers, u have a kind soul, ur so dedicated to ur family, friends and everyone, loyal too and cool enough!
Sometimes I laughed so hard at ur sarcastic way of answering some repeated or silly questions especially with those arabic comics, you have got a great potential of being a comedian maybe =p
Okay there was also this one time when I was surprised and happy at the same time. Someone asked u about the wildest thing you've done and u replied that police caught uu ad ur friends in some sort of a 'resistance acts of the U.S government' protesting about the fact that israel have robbed and looted our land! It was so courageous yet don't do that again ;p I don't know that there people like u in the US. I love the US and I don't judge the whole people living there based on what I hear on the news. Anyways we loved ur personality through ur questions, answers and everything. And yes I'm so happy to hear that u converted, god loved u therefore he picked u out of the billion ppl in this world! And u know something, u are better than us because we were born Muslims, everything was easy, Islam was so easy to follow as our parents are already Muslims but u, the community u are living wasn't helping I suppose but u converted to the right religion and tried hard to follow it. So I think u are a lucky person!^^
If u need any kind of help I'll be more than happy to give a hand, also if u want to know anything about Islam, Arabic language or any kind of questions:') (Thanks for that advice u have given me long time ago^-^)
Anyways I've talked too much, excuse me:$ thank u for making me smile one day! And Long live America!<3

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If someone made a statue of you, what position would you choose? =)

Me sitting with one leg crossed over and my head slightly tilted towards the sky=)
Liked by: Mona.

We are chasing an adventure. Today someone asked me to visit your page, because you have had made them smile. Every smile is a golden smile, so from both of us, We want to thank you. Please stay amazing, and stay wonderful, as you are beautiful inside and out! :)x - @cuterose1 sent me to you! :}x

I love her man! And u Julie ughh overload cuteness<3 I'm wearing a huge cheeky smile on my face right now:') thank u

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

You were born to make a difference in this world!! There is a place in this world that is waiting for YOU to fill. Only YOU can fill it! I am sure that you know you were born with a destiny. That is your life purpose or your “Why”. Welcome to this beautiful world baby<3! ^_^
Liked by: Tasnim. Alex❂

What do you say to people who hate you for nothing?

Judgmental? As Lil Wayne says: You could love me or hate me, I swear it won't make me or break me;))
Liked by: Tasnim.

I think pink is a nice colour. Pink clouds, pink dolphins, the perfect wand of cotton candy. Have you ever had those? - Well that is besides the point, my point is: you remind me of the colour pink. Pink makes me happy, so stay happy because you are truly wonderful! :)x

Is it? This colour makes me feel so young, I love it too<3

Why are you IN a movie, but your ON TV?

Tv is a device and a movie is a show. You could say I'm in a movie or in a tv show. So u could say Im on the movie screen or on tv:))

If you were a spider where would you crawl away and live?

Ew spiders noo! I'd except the fact that some ppl hate me and just stay away and leave this planet with my other crawly buddies;$

Post some information you find weird! =)

In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes!
The electric chair was invented by a dentist!
Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they cant find any food lol
Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet!
There are over 58 million dogs in the U.S!
Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women!
The average person laughs 13 times a day xD
Liked by: Alex❂ Argentine

گٱنَ هنٱگ ششيئٱ يدععى [ . . . . ] و لگنننهہ هِ ﭑخختففى . . ‹☺›

شاحن موبايلي بس انكسر مو بس اختفى

هو ليه الناس اتغيرو ؟ ليه بقوا كلهم مش تمام؟ ليه مابقاش فيه خير ؟ ليه رمينا مبادءنا وسيبنا تعاليم ديننا؟ ليه بقينا زي الذئاب في غابه؟ ليه بقينا نكره الخير لبعض ونحقد علي بعض؟

SamSHassoun’s Profile Photoاوليڤ ...
هو فعلن هلأ الدنيا صارت كتير بتخوف والكل بركض ورا الدنيا ونسى ان الدنيا فانية. غرتهم الحياة ونسوا خالقهم ومع هيك عم تصير كتير مشاكل وأشياء فعلن متوحشة وبتخوف!! والكل كمان عم يقلد الغرب بطريقة فظيعة، يعني على الأقل قلدوهم بشي نافع xx ا
انا بس دايمن بتمنى الله يهدي الناس والسلام لكل العالم والله يبعد عنا فتن الدنيا.
شكراً لسؤالك^^
Liked by: اوليڤ ...


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