

Ask @Princessasowm

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Which would you rather have a kiss or a hug? Why?

Mr Asker
Hugs? Its a good way to show someone the way u feel towards him. Hugs can make ppl's life happier and it generates positivity and optimism around u =) but I don't like hugs each and every second :p kisses are fine too;)
Liked by: AshwaQ ♥ Khalid

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Nikhiltapadia’s Profile PhotoNick
I quote: For beautiful eyes, look for good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone
-Audrey Hepburn

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In your opinion is being argumentative a positive trait or a flaw?

no one can ever become educated without asking questions.. if an argument is there to know reasons, and seek the truth then it is a great positive trait
God says:
"hal yastawi allatheena ya'lamoona wallatheena la ya'lamoon"
"are they equal those who know and those who dont"
and knowing is not by recieving information, but by asking and realizing the reasons of things.. but when it gets to a point where the point of argument is no longer to seek truth and knowledge but to make a point and dictate what one thinks/believes, then it is a flaw
Liked by: AshwaQ ♥ Argentine

ماذا تفعلين بحياتك ؟. وكم عمرك

شو بسوي يعني..عادي انا طالبة وهكذا :P
وعمري ١٥ ونص =)
Liked by: AshwaQ ♥

Could you be attracted to someone with no sense of humor?

Dan J.
Maybe! However humor in a relationship is sooo important! when things are rocky, humor keeps things light and happy so I think people with good sense of humor are more attractive xP that is one of the greatest assets a person can have:$
Liked by: Nabilah iKRM Dan J. JOON

Here comes your 'crush' !! What you will do? :P me, I will run and hide and totally ignore him for sure :D

I think I'll do the same because I dont want him to see how much I'm blushing x$
Liked by: Nabilah

363.What simple fact do you wish more people understood? 364.If you could do it all over again, would you change anything? 365.How would you describe your future in three words?

The simple fact I wish all people know it is that:
God is only One, He is self-subsisting without need, has self-sufficient, Master whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks, He was never born and never had any son, and there is no one that could complete with Him or comparable unto Him....
I don't think so but it could be the fact that I study in a British curriculum school instead of American xP
Hopeful, adventurous and fun=))
Liked by: Nabilah MOHAMMAD

What are women good at? What are men good at? Speak your mind x

Women have a much keener eye when it comes to social environments, and a clear edge in recognizing the subtleties of human relationships they are good also at supporting their men and keeping the younger women in line. Also most women find it interesting and worth gossiping for continuous hours without getting bored xx
A positive male attribute is intellectual honesty. Sometimes women use their hearts rather their brains when judging stuff, men aren't as in touch with their feelings as women. On the other hand, women are better than men in human relations, recognizing emotional overtones in others and in language, emotional and artistic expressiveness, esthetic appreciation, verbal language and carrying out detailed and pre-planned tasks. For example, women generally can recall lists of words or paragraphs of text better than men

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Liked by: Nabilah Argentine

اكتر صفه بتشدك للبنت ؟ اكتر صفه بتشدك في الولد ؟

اممم.. الشخصية والأخلاق اهما أشياء بعدين بتجي الأشيتء التانية=)

What if you stop loving the person whom you promised to love forever? What you will do?

I would never break such promise! But let me tell u, unexpected things can happen so I wouldn't stop loving except if he betrayed me or has been lying continuously and fooling me and ignoring ;) lol
Liked by: Nabilah Yusrah

Dear Asma, not all men are the same well your right about facts about men take pictures of their abs, and well there is not a lot of guys break their hearts maybe u got heart broken by a guy but their are girls who break men heart and some men dont hide their emotions but afraid to get rejected

khalidcoffee’s Profile PhotoKhalid
U see I swear I wanted to write between brackets that I didn't mean all men cz I know that as men have flaws women have it too!! And yeh I have seen many successful relationships despite there age/religion and many other factors! And noo I haven't been practically heart broken I was just saying in general cz she asked me to speak truthfully! Thanks for reading answer;))
Liked by: Nabilah Yusrah

oui biensur je parle en français couramment méme le cas pour d'autres langues , yes i do and good luck with your studies ;) you deserve anything good in this life . Such a good personality thanks for all xxx

Ohh coool! I've been learning french for over 4 years and I feel like I haven't becz I didn't used to practice it with anyone also in the french class I used to communicate with my classmates in arabic that why ;p
And merci beaucoup pour vos mots doux;$ u welcome=))
Liked by: Nabilah Yusrah

Something you cant understand and you find it too much about men. This is your chance to say it :D

Men men men mmen..dunoo oh wait why do they take pics of themselves shirtless in front of a bathroom mirror oh we got it you've got abs, but why zillion pics!! No.2 why do u try hard to chase a women nd then break her heart?! Like imagine if someone did that to ur sister or mother, would u be happy?! No.3 and the last thing I want to clear out is that I don't understand whyyy is to so hard to show ur emotions, its not a bad thing btw!!
Liked by: Nabilah Yusrah Khalid

Do you go to the cinema or to the concerts? If so, what are they like? If not, why?

Yeah cinema. They are like any other cinemas in the world I guess, nothing different. Many concerts are held here. Dubai hosting artists from all over the world spanning different genres and they all perform in live concerts. The latest one was for the sucker Justin bieber:)
Liked by: Nabilah Yusrah


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