

Ask @Princessasowm

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Mention someone you see perfect.

There is no set standard for perfection. We're all imperfectly perfect, and I don't think its sad saying it, we all make mistakes if we were all perfect than life would just be boring and dull. There will be no mistakes to learn from and so on..

How do you deal with these two statements? "Great bliss comes to those who work hard and persevere" & "An idiot is one that keeps doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results"

Mr. Do-do
Agree! Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did
- Newt Gingrich
I take it simply to mean, that if keep repeating the same behavior, you will get the same results. But sometimes repeating the same thing can be a smart idea!
How many times did Benjamin Franklin fly his kite before he got the result he knew would eventually happen?!
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

What's your opinion about babies? Why do we usually call them angels? x

Babies are beautiful blessing from God!
Their little fingers, toes, and noses, the way the try and figure everything out cause everything is new to them. The babbling, the facial expressions, the squeals, the grunts, the coos. They are cuddly, warm, loveable, soft, and smell so sweet.
They are precious little angels, here for us to love and adore^*^~
Awww. Babies!!<3<3

I see a smile in your heart, the smile is gold and your heart is the red ribbon. Together they are the magical duo, the duo that makes you beautiful. The duo, that makes you special. The duo, that makes me admire you. Stay happy, and never lose the gold! :)x

The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ~William Shakespeare, Othello

What is a topic you love to discuss ?

Anything interesting in fact. Politics, sports, fashion, food, religion, history, social issues..etc
Liked by: ConnoR

1) Do you like praise? 2) What can keep you up all night ?

Dan J.
It's nice to be praised but it's certainly not something I rely on to motivate me. If I'm praised it means that I must be doing the right thing. But often some constructive criticism is more helpful.
Thinking too much or worrying about a certain thing c
Liked by: ConnoR Dan J.

What will be your reaction if u saw your partner kissing somebody else? Will you make a scene? Will you confront him infront of his date or you will speak with him/her separately and hear his/her convincing alibi

Hahah that would never happen like I dnt give a damn but anyways lets imagine a little bit.
I'll leave head down cz I'm too sensitive too handle such situations, and then I'd of course speak to him seperately as I dont want to show my jealousy in front of her and I dont wanna insult him in public so yh just speak to him and hear his convincing alibi, if he had one x
Liked by: ConnoR

are oranges named orange because they’re orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange

Turn that around. Maybe the colour is called "orange" because its the colour of the fruit.
Liked by: ConnoR

In your opinion, Which one is harder; Losing a lover or losing a best friend? Why?

To be honest both situations aren't easy! However, I see that To lose a friend is the greatest of all losses.. Friends form an essential part of our life, they have a big influence in one's life and so when that part of ur life is gone u r nothing but left with all those sweet memories haunting u for a long period of time. And so friendship that can 'end' never really began!:')
Liked by: ConnoR

Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen other people?

1 person or 12 ppl , 1 person or 12 ?Hmmm kill myself instead ;( like whyyy do I have to commit such murder:'(((
Liked by: ConnoR

Do you think humans need to be with someone to be happy?

Dan J.
I believe that being happy is a decision that you make, not a consequence of your circumstances. I am happy all the time, because I decide that I want to be happy. I do not need someone else's love in my life to validate me as a person. I get along great by myself^^
Liked by: ConnoR Dan J. ٪١


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