

Ask @Princessasowm

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What's the most offensive thing you've seen in your life ?

Dan J.
Israeli atrocities in palestine!! What sort of people are these Israelis, who, when seeing a child's face look out of a window, instead of raising their hand and giving it a friendly wave they raised their gun and blew the child's brains out. Or, if there was a family in the room a tank commander would swing around the tank's gun and blast the whole family, father, mother and children, into tattered body parts! That is is the most offensive thing I have ever seen and I dont think there is something more offensive than that!
Soon will be the time for the end of Israel, Inshallah. From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free<3

Is it easier to ask a deep question to yourself or for someone close to you ? and why ?

Mm someone close, because I want to hear the answer from his/her perspective point of view
Liked by: BANƎ Lujain

What kind of world would this world be, if everybody were just like you?

Dan J.
Magical ☺ best world ever hahah:P..No, I seriously think it might probably be pretty boring.....diversity is wonderful^^
Liked by: BANƎ Lujain Dan J.

You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them?

Omg,, my mom. Tell her what is about to happen, say goodbye and that I love her and to kiss my little sister for me =(
Liked by: BANƎ ~ §aRaH ~ Lujain

How do you let go of things?

I just try to think more positively, start doing some activities and just get out in the world. Get busy and free your mind. In my world, I keep this in mind; nothing deserves to be sad for, smile! Ask yourself! Is it worth it? U knw u dont want to go through this so ask and question yourself and keep reminding it with what benefits will that thing bring to your life..nothing! So just imagine what will happen in the future, how happy you'll be and how u are rewarding yourself with that peace of mind =)
Liked by: ~ §aRaH ~ Lujain

Le problème avec la France, c'est qu'elle est en crise. C'est donc pas le moment de venir visiter, car tout est plus cher en ce moment, surtout à Paris .... Sinon, il neige parfois en UAE ? Genre même en hiver il fait 30 degres ?

ohh c'est triste. Quand est-ce le bon moment pour visiter la France? oui il neige, mais très rare, par exemple dans "Ras Al Khaimah" et vous pourriez assister à la chute de la grêle plutôt que de neige;)
Liked by: ~ §aRaH ~ Lujain

Can You Describe Your Dream House For Me?

Beach house, but what matters the most is the love that is shared in the house so we'd call it as home:)

كنموووووووت بمحمد عساف الله يخليه :')

كنحبو بزاف ونموت عليه! لول اوكيييه آآآميين<3

why can only 2 people fall in love with each other , why cant 4, 5, 6 or 12 people fall in love with each other ? why just a couple not a triple or a quadruple or more ?

We are witnessing many problems arising from many couples, let alon if there were 4, 5, 6 or 12?! Plus it'd be difficuly especially concerning trust issues..and so on..
Liked by: Xal

Which one describes you better? A) I don't like the people I love to be sad or in pain, even if it is due to their worry about me B) It makes me feel happy & valued when people worry about me

Mr. Do-do
I dont like them to be sad or general that people I love..but here option 'B' describes me better:$
Liked by: Mr. Do-do Mashael ~


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