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Hello In Turkish is marhaBa not marhaMa, it's a B not an M. And also, just to help you with that, sahip means owner, and evet means yes, and hayir means no

Li Ru
I know its Merhaba not merhama in Turkish!! I switched the B by mistake so it was an unpurposely typing mistake ;) and yeh I forgot to include "Evet" okii thanks for the rest of the words!

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That's great. Start off slowly so you don't tired of it later on. :D Umm well what types of stories do you like? What short stories are you reading?

Yah I'm afraid to get bored :\\. Mm anything for teenagers like action ones (vampires) or about stuff happened to a girl in our age and has a moral or smthng or a story about how two ppl liked each other and started their love story and ended with a betreyal ormand surprise ending .... Such stories
I used to read the twilight book (the first one published... I started reading 100 pages amd got bored and tired and last 2 weeks i read 2 arabic books and they were kinda long but I managed to finish it in three hours xD yah right now I have this determination to read books =))

ساعدوني أبي انشرها. الفاتحه : تمنع غضب الله  ياسين:تمنع عطش يوم القيامہ  الواقعه:تمنع الفقر  الدخان:تمنع أهوال يوم القيامہ  الملك:تمنع عذاب القبر  الكوثر:تمنع الخصومہ  الكافرون:تمنع الكفر عند الموت  الاخلاص:تمنع النفاق  الفلق:تمنع الحسد  الناس:تمنع الوسواس لا تـكن سبب في آيقاف عمل الخِير

جزاك الله خيراً
Liked by: Classic MBA

http://ask.fm/Princessasowm/answer/11368868363 Actually, 'au revoir' means 'untill we meet again' =)) ,, goodbye is 'salut' or 'ciao' (same as Italian). Also, 'Comment allez-vous' is very formal. It's better to say '(Comment) ça va?' ,, I hope this will help you if you ever decide to learn French =)

♆ Create Memories ♆
Ohh okaii , yehh rightt i remember this "comment ça va?" "ca va bien, merci" ;) , u knw I studied French for like 6 years @ school only, and now its all gone ,, fade away :( except those words I wrote :), but i think buying an idiom book, songs, stories in french might help! :) ....
well thanks for ur tip , inshallah it would if I decided to! <3

Do you support people who declare that they are doing charity work in front of the others to encourage them.. or you prefer to hide it to keep their faith and the reward of god ..? and why?

In my opnIon, if i did any kind of charity work I wouldnt tell ppl ohh i did this and that, its just unnecessary, I'd keep my faith in god that he'll reward me for such work than recieving compliments from ppl ! ;)


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